
Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)
Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)



The city gate tower is still there

It's still sitting upright, with a gray face

The golden teeth were freshly inlaid

Some hard things always have to find an exit

The North City Gate is my exit. Outside the city gates

It's poplars, poplars outside or poplars

Over the decades, I've walked through those poplar trees again and again

And I've always been outside the poplars

It's the same pride as I am

Later, I got a strange disease

My muscles were getting softer

I saw the back of myself

See the humble man

She said she was lost in the phalanx of poplar trees

No export could be found for decades

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)


Say goodbye to Shuanghai Lake

On the way back, pass through Shuanghai Lake

The shrubs fall high and low, blocking the line of sight

I can only pass through the gap

Figure out what the lake looks like

A bird hovers against the surface of the lake

It looks a little hesitant

The lake water is cool

Shadows fall illusoryly into the water

I threw a stone at myself

The river rippled and quickly returned to calm

The stone sank to the bottom of the water, into my body

It is the migratory birds destined to migrate

Sunlight is intermittent

The residual temperature of the stone steps

Just enough to keep a thought


All I take away is a man's sadness

Birds look into the blue sky

Shake your wings once in a while

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)


Tie the rack for the beans

Two rows of beans grown in the yard

Pull out the vines

Father used a few wooden sticks

Set up the frame

Mother is in front of every bean

Stick out the branches, carefully

Put the beans on the shelves

It's like supporting us when we're young

A stubble in the vegetable garden

Fill the emptiness in your mother's heart every year

Mother was eighty years old, not long ago

Three ribs were broken

Look at your mother

My ribs were faintly sore

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)


Old lunatic

Old lunatic, walking with his hands on his knees

The head is often covered with hay

There are words in the mouth

It's like a confession, and it's like consultation

At night, she was quiet in the grass

As inactive as those grasses

A white feather floated up from her torn shell

Inside the main room were her husband and another woman

No one knows how crazy she really is

Occasional seizures

She always held her head and shrunk into a ball

Shout, "Never mind, never mind."

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)



His face was covered with marks, and he was asleep

Creaking grinds teeth that have been loosened

Over the years, the courtyard walls and walls have been covered with green and gray

There was only one lonely place left at the fence gate

Kids running around the streets

Like a sparrow with early wings

Scattered everywhere

Some are lost and there is no trace

I made a face with the old locust tree

Finally knocked out the cracks on the old street

Pull out a branch

From the old street body, from the locust tree body

From inside me

Plant it

How long will this full of warmth haunt me

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)

Author/Sun Xiaoyu

Introduction: Member of Qingdao Writers Association, Member of Qingxi Poetry Society.

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)

Recitation/Li Huamei

Introduction: The owner of the small garden, a member of the Shangquan Recitation Society, a literary and artistic woman who grew up listening to the radio, firmly believes that the book volume is the most unworldly temperament, and the road traveled and the books read will be transformed into the most natural makeup. Strive to pursue a warm voice and interpret words with attitude. Let the years pass, I only wish that there is a story in my heart, and there is no wind and frost on my face.

Participated in the editing of this issue

Editor-in-Chief: Jing Qiu

Editor-in-charge: Wang Liming

Typesetting: Sun Xiaoyu

Proofreader: Xue Guangxun

Audio: Li Huamei

Published by: Jiang Yunqing

Qingxi Poetry Society丨Sun Xiaoyu There is always a place for you to forget (group poems)

In Qingdao's West Coast New Area, a season of poetry has quietly arrived. There are mountains, there are seas, there are temples, there are customs, there is history. All the people of Qingxi New District who love this land and love life, Qingxi Poetry Society is waiting for you here to write a poem.

Qingxi Poetry Society

Editor-in-chief of "Home in Huangdao"

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