
Liaoning's bumper grain harvest is a foregone conclusion

author:Bright Net

In the autumn of October, Liaoning, a major grain producing province, began to enter the suitable harvest period for autumn grain. It was learned from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Liaoning Province that Liaoning is expected to usher in a bumper grain harvest, and the annual grain output will exceed 50 billion jin, further consolidating the position of the main grain producing province. According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Liaoning Province, Liaoning has achieved increased production and high yields this year, and the quality of grain is also relatively good. According to comprehensive research and analysis, at present, the province's grain harvest has become a foregone conclusion, is expected to break through the 50 billion jin mark historically, and the yield level is expected to reach about 950 jin / mu, which is more than 20 kg higher than the historical high, ranking the forefront of the country. Journalist Zou Mingzhong

Liaoning's bumper grain harvest is a foregone conclusion

Source: Liaoshen Evening News

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