
"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!

On December 16, more than 15 million players booked the light science fiction open world mobile game "Magic Tower" as promised, but according to the editor, on the first day of the official opening of the game, the most popular gameplay is not to explore the big world, nor to carry out a cheerful battle - everyone has shared their face pinch data on social platforms, exchanged face pinch experience, busy and happy, the second dimension of "Phantom Tower" pinch face, fire!

"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!

Based on the two-dimensional setting of "Magic Tower", the face pinching system in the game is different from the common realistic face pinching on the market, but it is a two-dimensional face pinching game that makes people shine. Rich detail settings give it unlimited possibilities, if your craftsmanship is good enough, directly in the game to restore the favorite anime character is also completely OK ~ According to the editor's personal experience, the pinch face in "Tower of Illusion" contains up to more than 200 details, the facial features of the face shape are the most basic adjustments, facial details and even exquisite to the lower lip muscles can be set freely! In order to be more in line with the image of the second dimension, not only the figure, three circumferences, and head circumference of the characters can be adjusted, but also the hairstyles divided into front, middle, and back hair can also be customized and dyed, my Asuka and Hatsune Mirai, I'm here!

"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!

On Weibo, players from all walks of life have also posted their own proud "masterpieces": some have posted their dear "female geese", and also threatened to pinch a few more faces; some have pinched out the "Cosmic Singer", and directly want to face the official face PK; there are players who innovate to pinch out the white hair + black skin character image, not to mention, see more and feel that it is quite pleasing to the eye, it seems that the players of this session are very talented

"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!
"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!
"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!

However, what Xiaobian admires the most is that those "big gods" who pinch the face world directly bring the characters in the classic anime to a "god restoration" ~ golden double ponytail sailor Water Ice Moon? On the set; short black haired Seccolet? No problem; cute and loving Rem? Rush! There are even players who post their face pinch works, and a bunch of players line up below to ask for data. It seems that this wave of two-dimensional face pinching boom is completely brought up by "Magic Tower"!

"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!
"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!
"Phantom Tower" triggered a two-dimensional face pinching frenzy? Player: Don't make me stop, I can still pinch!

However, Xiaobian friendly reminds that although pinching the face is good, it is also necessary to be cautious, after all, many players have begun to indulge in pinching the face and cannot extricate themselves, and they also poke and poke harder. So the question is, have you pinched out the big god player of Asuka's wife and shared a pinch face data?

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