
Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

Speaking of wisdom teeth, I believe that many people have such feelings, usually can not use, the pain is fatal, want to pull out immediately. But when it doesn't hurt, I forget, in short, "pulling is also painful, not pulling is also painful", and I am most afraid that the doctor will say that he will pull it out after the examination.

Is it necessary to remove the "useless" wisdom teeth as soon as possible? Don't worry! There is one situation in which wisdom teeth are better to retain.

Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

Wisdom teeth are useless and annoying?

Wisdom teeth, which grow at the very end of the alveolar bone, are also medically known as the "third molars".

As a remnant of human degradation, it is basically useless to eat, and it loves to brush the sense of existence in annoying places:

1. Inflammatory infection

The interdental gap between the wisdom teeth is not easy to clean, and it is easy to induce pericoronitis, which is swollen and painful. Tooth extraction during inflammation is also prone to infection, so you can only endure the pain as soon as possible to reduce inflammation.

2. Damage to adjacent teeth

Wisdom teeth grow irregularly, brush toothbrush can not be, but also easy to affect the next tooth decay, resulting in a very important chewing function of adjacent teeth (second molars) caries pain, and even loose and fall.

3. Food incarceration

Wisdom teeth have a bad relationship with adjacent teeth, food is stuck between the teeth, and the tongue can feel the stuffed teeth, but the hand can never reach.

Wisdom teeth are so annoying, is it okay to remove them?

Recently, 27-year-old Mr. Li came to the doctor for treatment because he was missing a tooth, and when he was still struggling with whether to do active dentures or implants, the doctor told him that he could "not make dentures, transplant real teeth" and "implant real teeth". At this time, the usually useless and annoying wisdom teeth should come in handy.

Wisdom teeth are also of great use!

After missing teeth, can I still use wisdom teeth to remedy it?

Mr. Li's upper left back tooth has been in pain, and after fruitless treatment in many hospitals in Guangzhou, he still wants to keep his real teeth as much as possible.

Later, on the strong recommendation of Professor Hou Rui of the Fourth Military Medical University, he set off from Guangzhou to Shenzhen Sami International Medical Center (Shenzhen Fourth People's Hospital) to find Director Liu Junping for autologous tooth transplantation.

What is autologous tooth grafting?

In the same individual, the tooth is transferred from its original location to another to replace the surgical method of missing or non-preserving teeth.

Simply put, it is from the patient's own mouth, a good tooth is transplanted to the missing part of the tooth, replacing the original tooth function.

Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!
Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!
Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

*Whether surgery can be performed requires the doctor's professional judgment

Where did this "excess" tooth come from? The main donor of autologous tooth transplantation is the wisdom teeth that we usually ignore in the corner and hurt from time to time.

The "spare tire" in this mouth can be used by the doctor's superb technology to make it waste into treasure in the toothless area, glowing and feverish.

Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

Before treatment, the right lower tooth was missing

Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

Identify the donor (wisdom teeth) to be extracted

Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

After the transplant donor (wisdom teeth) is extracted

Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

After treatment, the transplantation of missing teeth was successful

Wisdom tooth transplant doctor said

Natural true tooth transplantation has many benefits for patients, and the function, structure and aesthetic effects of teeth are no different from those of neighboring teeth around them. Compared with dentures, true teeth are more able to maintain, promote the formation and continued development of alveolar bone in missing teeth. It can avoid the damage to the adjacent teeth by fixed repair, and the transplanted teeth can also be orthodontic and moved to an aesthetic and practical position.

What are the advantages over dental implants?

The biggest advantage is that this is a real tooth, after the successful transplantation, there will be a feeling of position, chewy food, chewing power is no different from normal teeth.

Autologous tooth grafting can shorten the treatment and repair time of missing teeth, and can perform chewing functions up to 3 months earlier than dental implants.

Moreover, the cost of autologous tooth transplantation is currently cheaper than dental implants, and most of them can be reimbursed by Medical Insurance.

What conditions do you have to meet if you want to do an autologous tooth transplant?

Autologous tooth grafting requires high technical and experienced doctors, if the patient has no obvious defects and caries, and can be completely extracted, the periodontal conditions such as the alveolar bone at the missing teeth can be transplanted.

Must have wisdom teeth removed? This situation does not save a lot of money!

Source: Shenzhen Sami International Medical Center (Shenzhen Fourth People's Hospital)

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