
Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

The kidneys are important organs inside the human body, which can excrete harmful substances and excess water from the body and maintain the stability of the environment in the body.

Once kidney health is disrupted, not only is the basal metabolism affected, but other vital organs inside the body are also problematic.

Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

It is reported that if the patient has the habit of holding urine in the usual time, then it is easy to cause damage to the kidneys, which is mainly because when the urine cannot be excluded in time, it will accumulate inside the bladder for a long time, and then breed bacteria, causing irritation to the ureter, resulting in urinary tract infection and causing nephritis; once this problem appears, it is easy to recur.

Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

In addition, if the patient does not pay attention to the diet in the usual time, often big fish and meat, resulting in excessive salt in the body, then it is easy to cause damage to the kidneys and induce various kidney diseases. Therefore, everyone should pay special attention to the maintenance of the kidneys in daily life. The following is a detailed introduction to the four main kidney nourishment methods.

Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

First, pay attention to the maintenance of the feet

The kidney meridian mainly originates from the foot, so if you want to have a good kidney, then you must pay attention to the maintenance of the foot.

Because the feet are more susceptible to cold air, it is necessary to do a good job of keeping the feet warm in normal times, especially in the winter, do not step on the floor barefoot.

At the same time, every night before going to bed, everyone can properly soak their feet to promote blood circulation in the feet, so as to better maintain the health of the kidneys.

Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

2. Exercise appropriately

Not only that, but we can also promote the body's circulation and metabolism through appropriate exercise, improve the speed of blood flow, and thus protect the health of the kidneys.

If there is a lack of exercise and insufficient exercise, then the blood flow rate will become more and more slow, which will cause problems in the supply of nutrients to the internal organs of the body, which will lead to diseases.

Therefore, when you are aware that you may have kidney deficiency problems, you can improve your physical condition and improve your physical fitness through some simple exercises, such as jogging, yoga, etc.

Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

Third, drink water correctly

In order to better maintain the health of the kidneys, then in daily life, it is necessary to replenish water in time, promote blood circulation in the body through the correct way of drinking water, improve the speed of metabolism, reduce the viscosity of blood, and avoid the continuous accumulation of harmful substances in the body.

However, in real life, a considerable number of people do not know how to drink water at all, and only when their mouths are dry will they drink water, which is wrong, which can easily lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body and induce diseases such as kidney stones.

Therefore, in normal times, everyone should remember to drink water in time and ensure about 2500ml of water per day.

Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

Fourth, properly carry out waist massage

Waist massage can play a great role in the health care of the kidneys, mainly because the blood vessels in the waist and the kidneys are connected together, when people perform waist massage, you can effectively unblock the blood vessels in this area, thereby better promoting the health of the kidneys.

Specifically, you can first rub the palms of your hands back and forth, and then wait until your hands gradually heat up, you can slowly press along the sides of the waist, and each time the compression time is about three minutes. After adhering to it for a period of time, it can play a certain role in nourishing the kidneys.

Don't want to be "targeted" by kidney disease, these 4 behaviors may be able to protect the kidneys, may wish to stick to it

The above are four common kidney nourishment methods, in addition to the above methods, we should strengthen the diet, try to eat less greasy or irritating food, keep the diet light, do not over-supplement nutrition, so as not to cause unnecessary stimulation to the kidneys.

When you feel the urge to urinate, you should discharge it in time and do not hold back urine. In addition, in normal times, it is also necessary to develop healthy sleep habits, do not stay up late, go to bed early and get up early, so as to better protect the kidneys.

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