
It's not that love doesn't favor us, it's that we haven't withstood the test of love

Zheng reiterated that every article published by Chang Qingjun on the self-media platform is an original work that is carefully written and repeatedly revised after independent thinking with his professional knowledge, own experience and life experience.

Chang Qingjun Introduction: We often complain that love always does not favor us and does not give us the opportunity to love, and the actual situation may be that love has also been attached to us, and has also given us the opportunity to love, but we have not withstood the test of love in the end.

Chang Qingjun can always hear relatives and friends around him complaining that he has been struggling to pursue love, but he has never been favored by love, and he has not given himself the opportunity to love, which is really unfair and disappointed, and even has doubts about whether there is true love.

Chang Qingjun insisted that true love of course existed, and said to them that true love does not presuppose whether you believe in its existence or not.

They say that even if true love exists, it only exists in literature, film and television works, where to find it in real life?!

In fact, true love has sometimes quietly come to us, but we need to test it beforehand. Unbelief, as evidenced by this:

One book completely changed Brown

In May 1942, during The Second World War, Brown, a newly enlisted British soldier, was sent to fight in the most intense north African theater. His opponent was the elite German army, the Afrika Korps commanded by Rommel, known as the "Desert Fox".

One day, Brown's unit was ordered to hold a position, but before they could dig a trench, the Germans launched a fierce attack on them. The young Brown was suddenly frightened by this earth-shattering scene and developed a fear of war. He was terrified to death as soon as he heard the gunshots, and just as Brown was about to be crushed by this phobia, a subsequent event changed him completely.

It's not that love doesn't favor us, it's that we haven't withstood the test of love

At noon on this day, Brown and his comrades were resting, and the regimental staff officer came with a large stack of books in his hand, shouting as he walked: "The book is coming, read the book!" The soldiers immediately surrounded him. It turned out that in early 1942, the British publishing industry launched a "good book to heroes" campaign, encouraging the British people to give books beneficial to the physical and mental health of soldiers to officers and soldiers on the front line for free through the military mail route. In this large stack of books, there are spy novels, love stories, beautiful prose and biographies of patriotic characters. But Brown wasn't interested in any of these books, because none of them could dispel his deepest sense of fear.

Just as Brown was about to turn away, the title of a book called "How to Maintain Mental Balance in the Midst of Gunfire" jumped into his eyes, and Brown immediately took the book into his hand and read it intently. This is a good book with rich content, delicate writing, thorough reasoning, and sincere tone. Citing examples from the nearly 2,000-year war that lasted nearly 2,000 years from ancient Greece to the Spanish Civil War of 1936, the author elaborates on how soldiers can dispel their fears and bravely face reality in the face of the threat of death. In particular, this passage in the book deeply touched Brown:

"Yes, no one wants to die, but war is destined to make many soldiers die on the battlefield. Of course, who dies is often accidental, and the shells do not have long eyes. But in order for the British Isles not to be ravaged by war, for the lovely children of Britain to no longer be hungry and terrible, so that the loving mother will no longer be grief-stricken, sometimes the motherland needs you to die on the battlefield. Even if you die not great, not heroic, dying in obscurity, quietly, there will be your heroic spirit on the Monument to the Unsung Heroes. Your mother will be proud of you. ”

As he read it, Brown's state of mind gradually became brighter, the horror of death slowly disappeared, and a sense of divine mission rose in his heart.

Since then, the book has become Brown's "mentor." Whenever he encountered difficulties, Brown would take the book out and read it. In October 1942, Brown's British 8th Army, under the command of General Montgomery, launched the famous Battle of El Alamein. In this campaign, Brown was promoted to captain for his bravery in battle.

Second, love began to give Brown a chance

One day, in the gap between the wars, he couldn't help but open the book again. This time, he stumbled upon an introduction to the author at the bottom of the book's Preface, and to his surprise, the author of the book was a young girl named Judith. As a result, the image of a knowledgeable, understanding, beautiful and moving girl came to Brown's mind. Suddenly, Brown had an idea that he wanted to write a letter to the girl. When all was said and done, Brown immediately wrote a letter to Judith in which brown recounted how he had dispelled his fear of war by reading the book and expressed his gratitude to Judith.

After sending the letter, Brown did not expect Judith to write him back. But what he didn't expect was that two weeks later Brown actually received a reply from Judith. In this way, the two men began to exchange letters. Since then, if there has been no letter from Judith in a while, Brown will be restless.

It's not that love doesn't favor us, it's that we haven't withstood the test of love

In May 1943, the North African Campaign of World War II ended with the victory of the British Army. By this time, Brown had been promoted to major, and he was sent to the European theater to continue fighting. During this period, his correspondence with Judith has not been interrupted, and the feelings between them have increased day by day, and even began to talk about love. One day, Brown couldn't resist writing to his sweetheart and wanted a picture of the other person. However, Judith did not meet his demands, and wrote in her reply:

"If, as you have said many times in the past, you love my distinct personality, outstanding talent, and profound thoughts, then why do you have to be clear about my appearance?" If your love for me is really sincere, even if the sea is dry and rotten, then what does it matter whether I am beautiful or not? If I were mediocre, even ugly, would you still pursue me so passionately? ”

Brown smiled bitterly after reading the letter and shook his head. In May 1945, the war was finally over. Brown was also promoted to lieutenant colonel. Soon, he will return to China.

Third, whether Brown finally withstood the test

Before returning home, Brown wrote a letter to Judith and eagerly asked her to meet. Soon, Judith sent him a telegram back:

"We met at Exit One of the London Underground. The way to recognize each other is that you hold the book I wrote in your hand, and I will wear a British national flower, the red rose, on my chest. However, I will not recognize you first, after you see me, if you think it is inappropriate for me to be your girlfriend, you can not recognize me. ”

Brown arrived ahead of the agreed exit of the London One underground and looked up at the clock on the platform, "Ah, it's 12 minutes before 6 p.m." He said to himself. This hero, who could already see death on the battlefield, his heartbeat at this time was involuntarily accelerating, because a woman who had haunted his soul for more than a thousand days and nights was about to appear in front of him.

It's not that love doesn't favor us, it's that we haven't withstood the test of love

The bell finally rang at 6 o'clock, and Brown looked anxiously at the intersection, looking forward to the appearance of his sweetheart. At this time, I saw a girl in a green dress calmly walking towards him. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, vermilion lips and teeth, elegant demeanor, and is a beautiful person who is loved by everyone. Brown was overjoyed. But when the girl came to him, he found that the other woman was not wearing a red rose on her chest. And the girl didn't look at Brown and went straight away.

Brown fixed his mind and couldn't help but laugh: I thought, this girl didn't wear the sign of the agreement, how could it be Judith?! As time passed, Brown's heart beat faster and faster. Suddenly, he saw a woman with a red rose on her chest walking slowly toward him. At this moment, he was a little stunned, his heart almost stopped beating, and his mind went blank! Oh my God, there was such a woman - her hair was thin and she had a very ugly scorched black on half of her face, and she was on crutches, with only one leg and one arm.

"No wonder Judith said in her letter that I could not recognize her, it turned out to be so. What should I do? It's too late to recognize her. Brown's heart arose a fierce conflict.

It's not that love doesn't favor us, it's that we haven't withstood the test of love

However, after countless battles, he quickly calmed down, and Brown thought to himself, "No, I shouldn't think like that." Because her current appearance is probably the sin caused by the bombing of German fascist planes, how many beautiful girls like her in my motherland have now been killed as adults and ghosts, and even killed and burned to death. I couldn't add more pain to her. You know, she selflessly reached out to help when I needed her the most. Our love is sacred, it has been baptized by more than 1,000 days of war, and I want to be ashamed of the selfish thoughts I just had, and I have no reason not to recognize her, otherwise it would be despicable. ”

So Brown smiled, turned around, caught up with the "ugly woman" who had gone far, and shouted, "Please wait." With that, he raised the book in his hand, waved it, and then said softly to her, "I'm Brown, and if I'm not mistaken, you're Judith." I am very happy that we finally met! How about we have dinner together? ”

When the woman heard this, she said with a little panic, "No, you are mistaken!" My name is Fanny. I don't know what's going on. Just 5 minutes ago, the girl in the green dress who had just walked in front of you asked me to put on this red rose, and she asked me not to recognize you as if I didn't know you. Only if you have greeted me first and have no intention of abandoning me can you tell you the truth. She also asked me to tell you that you have successfully passed a test that may be harsher than war. Now, she is waiting for you in the restaurant opposite. ”

I see! At this point, Brown was even more surprised than he had just been, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. It was only after Fanny's reminder that he blushed and ran to the restaurant with a sense of happiness...

Later, this true story was reported by reporters with "The Ugly Woman with red roses" and was known to the world.

Therefore, Chang Qingjun's perception of this is: we often complain that love always does not favor us and does not give us the opportunity to love, and the actual situation may be that love has also been attached to us, and has also given us the opportunity to love, but we have not withstood the test of love in the end.

Chang Qingjun writes each original article with heart and affection, and looks forward to your attention, likes and comments

Original works, if reprinted, etc., please indicate the author of the article, the source and other information

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