
50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

People of different ages will have different needs and opinions about their own dressing, just like when we are young, we will prefer new and fancy styles, and strive to wear a little different atmosphere; and once we are old, the style will become more and more calm. However, it turns out that the style of temperament hanging will indeed be more suitable for middle-aged women to wear.

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

Once many women are old, they will slowly lose their minds about dressing up, thinking that they are older and have no need to dress up and clean up! If you have this idea, you must get rid of it as soon as possible.

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

This kind of thinking and concept will only make you more and more perfunctory about your dressing, so it is easy to wear the so-called "big mother feeling", and the rustic look in the soil is absolutely impossible. In fact, we only need to spend a little effort on the daily dressing, and we can completely avoid wearing the look of the big mother.

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

If you have carefully observed the "big mother" style of wearing, you can definitely summarize some rules, generally speaking, wearing too fancy and gorgeous, too complex style design, random combination of single products... These are all reasons that are likely to cause you to dress rustically and cheaply.

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

Therefore, when we are in daily collocation, we must pay great attention to the above details. If you still don't know how to wear a sense of luxury, you can take a look at Miki's mother's daily look, although her age is not light, but each set of daily looks can give people a young and very temperamental feeling, fashionable and high-end collocation can be completely learned.

Learn to wear it like this, easily get a sense of premium:

tips1: Stacking is more layered

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

Many women in the winter season, it is easy to wear themselves out of the fat and short feeling, then you need to reflect on their own way of matching. In fact, learning to wear this collocation method can completely solve this problem.

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

It's easy for us to wear a bloated, heavy feel in the winter. At this time, you can use the way of stacking, using a single item to combine and fold, such as coat + knitwear, coat + suit combination is completely feasible. This will not only get the same warmth and comfort, but also make your collocation look more layered. When using a sweater as an underlay, try to choose a slim turtleneck legging, so that it will not look very bloated and heavy.

Tips2: The combination of upper and lower lengths can more embellish the body

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

Why is it that when some people come to matching, it is always easy to wear themselves out of the "short" effect? Obviously, his height is not very short... At this time, you need to check your own collocation structure, many times the length of the upper body exceeds the lower body, which leads to the appearance of short and fat.

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

So when we dress up, we must consciously pinch their own collocation structure, generally speaking, the combination of long and short is never wrong, so that not only can highlight the high waistline, make your legs look more slender, and now it is very popular to use a plus velvet schönil wide-leg pants to match the turtleneck undershirt, the modification effect of the figure is very good, tall and thin.

tips3: The simple color collocation is more advanced

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

At the beginning, it is also slightly mentioned that the reason why many people wear a sense of big mother is often because the color matching is too fancy, so that it is not easy to control and match, but also especially easy to wear out of the rustic and cheap effect.

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

Therefore, in the collocation of colors, we must do subtraction as much as possible, so that the color collocation of the whole body is as simple as possible. The simpler the color matching, the easier it is to wear the temperament and high-grade. In general, it is not more than three colors, and if it is really not possible, the look of the solid color system is also very advanced.

Fashion Summary:

50-year-old women give up the "big mother" style of wearing it, learn Miki's mother to wear it like this, elegant and advanced

1. Use the method of stacking to match, not only warm and comfortable, but also more layered.

2. Our collocation structure should follow the principle of short and long, so that we can maximize the body.

3. The color collocation should be as simple as possible, so that it is easier to control and easier to wear a sense of high-end.

Conclusion: How do you wear it every day? Share your better ideas with everyone in the comments section.

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