
Blood vessels with blood clots, leg abnormalities? There are 3 signs to keep an eye out for

Keep healthy people's blood vessels unimpeded, important organs, nutrients needed by various tissues, blood, etc. can be provided in time, however, some people's blood state has changed, obvious viscosity is not regulated in time, may gradually produce thrombus, and thrombus accumulates too much, and disease will appear. Therefore, it is necessary to understand which bad behaviors can cause blood clots and which signals are sent, so that you can deal with them earlier. So, there is a blood clot in the blood vessels, will there be a signal in the legs?

Blood vessels with blood clots, leg abnormalities? There are 3 signs to keep an eye out for

The leg part is covered with a lot of blood vessels, whether it is a large blood vessel or a small blood vessel, the local blood clot is produced but not cleared in time, unclogging the blood vessels may cause diseases, and some people have special phenomena in the legs, which may be local thrombosis to cause circulation disorders, not simply the legs will issue warnings, other parts will also have corresponding features. Therefore, to understand what are the specific manifestations of blood clots in the body? If there is a suitable situation, go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible to prevent the serious disease from developing.

What are the symptoms of the legs that indicate the appearance of blood clots?

1. Tingling in the legs

Some people have gradually blocked blood vessels, which is related to local thrombosis, and the common symptom is numbness in the legs. Tingling in the legs indicates a local circulation disorder, and the local tissue ischemia after the blood vessel is blocked, so there will be repeated numbness.

If this situation persists, coupled with its own high blood lipids, relevant examinations should be carried out as soon as possible, so as to understand the viscosity of the blood, the location of the thrombus, through the follow-up correct treatment to dredge the blood vessels and restore the smooth state, otherwise the disease will gradually worsen, not simply numb, and sometimes painful.

Blood vessels with blood clots, leg abnormalities? There are 3 signs to keep an eye out for

2. Skin color changes

When the blood clots arrive, the body will be damaged, and some people's legs will change the color of the skin and cannot remain rosy, perhaps the blood clots are quietly developing. Because people who know how to maintain it will adhere to good living habits, thereby protecting blood vessels and promoting circulation, while the skin and mucous membranes remain rosy when the blood and nutrients are supplied to the required areas.

If there is a persistent local blockage of blood vessels, ischemia, hypoxia, the color of the skin and mucous membranes will change, and it is easy to appear pale. There is already a warning that this feature may be a disease, and should be checked as early as possible and improved measures should be taken.

Blood vessels with blood clots, leg abnormalities? There are 3 signs to keep an eye out for

3, easy to cramp

Some people's legs begin to produce blood clots, gradually blocking the blood vessels, and it can be found that the legs are prone to cramps. There are many causes of cramps, but they can be gradually eliminated, excessive fatigue, cold stimulation, local compression, calcium deficiency, etc. can lead to leg cramps.

If these factors are excluded, coupled with the fact that the blood itself is more viscous and there is a case of hyperlipidemia, it is likely that a local thrombosis is generated, and the circulation cannot be maintained well after the blood vessel is blocked, and there may be cramps in the state of ischemia. If you find such a signal, it is better to check it as soon as possible.

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