
Brushing up on "Little Sugar Man"? Uzi: The S champion is not so easy to take, don't take pleasure in my illness

With the closure of the Winter Transfer Period window of the League of Legends and the climax of a wave of official announcements, the melon during the transfer period is basically a state of no melon to eat for friends. And then everyone's eyes will be more on the upcoming spring game, after this transfer period LPL division can be said to have come a wave of reshuffle, there are several teams whether it is strength or popularity have a qualitative leap, and there are several galacticos ready to go, so next year's game will be unusually exciting.

Brushing up on "Little Sugar Man"? Uzi: The S champion is not so easy to take, don't take pleasure in my illness

Of course, in this expectation, Whether Uzi can play and how to perform after the game is still a lot of concern, in the official BLG documentary, we see that according to Uzi's wishes, we want to be on the first game, which is also the expectation of countless friends. Of course, whether the veteran who returned to the field can withstand the repeated impact of young players still needs to find the answer through the performance on the field.

Brushing up on "Little Sugar Man"? Uzi: The S champion is not so easy to take, don't take pleasure in my illness

It is worth mentioning that Uzi returned to the field, originally the live broadcast should be happy and happy to look forward to the new season, but in the live broadcast on December 16, Uzi's live broadcast room poured in a lot of black powder. These black fans ridicule, question, and say anything, and what is more excessive is that there are still people who are frantically brushing "little sugar people". In the face of these black fans, Uzi also said some heartfelt words with the audience, and the following Uzi live broadcast original words were intercepted:

Brushing up on "Little Sugar Man"? Uzi: The S champion is not so easy to take, don't take pleasure in my illness

Really did not take the S championship, it is worth your black, I do not understand, S champion really has such a good take? So many e-sports players, five people take it in a year, and not getting it does not mean that there is no strength without effort, and that thing is not something that can be taken well if you want to. Some people say little sugar man, I really don't like this title, very speechless, brush these feelings are not a little educated. I have this disease I am very uncomfortable I take medicine every day, people with diabetes know what it is to take that medicine, the mental state is very bad, taking medicine can also play professional I am really not easy, some people have been brushing bad titles, my illness joke I am really speechless, so I can not let this disease is too serious now, I am not very serious now, but do not take medicine will be serious, so I can only take medicine.

Brushing up on "Little Sugar Man"? Uzi: The S champion is not so easy to take, don't take pleasure in my illness

Objectively speaking, friends have mixed reviews for Uzi's comeback, so the pressure on Uzi's comeback is huge. But with his strength and seniority, Uzi should definitely deserve our respect. Of course, ridicule has always existed in e-sports, if these are irrelevant, but it is really too much to joke about someone's condition, so you can question his strength, but you should not maliciously slander a person who is trying to chase his dreams.

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