
Japanese deserters practiced medicine in Our country to atone for their sins, and before they died, they signed a donation letter for their remains to do research in China

The war is cruel, the weapons are merciless, in order to resist the aggressors, many people threw their heads and spilled their blood, and finally defended the territorial integrity of our country, but because of this, many people lost their precious lives, and this war caused great harm to the hearts of the people, and these are things that can never be forgotten by the people of our country. Therefore, many people are full of hatred for the behavior of the Japanese army, and some young people in Japan have never been clear about why our people hate them.

Japanese deserters practiced medicine in Our country to atone for their sins, and before they died, they signed a donation letter for their remains to do research in China

Of course, the behavior of the Japanese army is hateful, but there are some Japanese soldiers who did not know the significance of this war when they fought at that time, and when they knew it, they regretted it beyond measure, and in order to atone for their sins, they did not hesitate to stay in our country and do some dedication within their capabilities. Among them, there was a Japanese soldier who, in order to atone for his sins, stayed in our country to practice medicine for many years, and even signed a donation letter before his death, wanting to donate it to our country for research.

Japanese deserters practiced medicine in Our country to atone for their sins, and before they died, they signed a donation letter for their remains to do research in China

This Japanese soldier who was respected by our people was Hiroshi Yamazaki, who had previously served as a doctor in the Japanese army, and when he came to China, he did not know what this war meant, so he did his best to contribute to their country and save lives and help the injured. But after a long time, he knew the purpose of his country's coming to our country, but he had the heart and could not save it, and in desperation, he became a deserter.

Japanese deserters practiced medicine in Our country to atone for their sins, and before they died, they signed a donation letter for their remains to do research in China

He did not want to be ashamed of his conscience, did not want to be involved in this war that was not just, so he resolutely fled, and fled with the refugees to Shandong, when he was hungry and almost fainted, but the kind people of our country gave him food, and it was precisely because of this move that he had the idea of continuing to stay in China to atone for his sins. Our people have not imposed all their hatred on the Japanese, and they have a clear distinction between good and evil, and they can distinguish between good and evil.

Japanese deserters practiced medicine in Our country to atone for their sins, and before they died, they signed a donation letter for their remains to do research in China

In order to atone for his sins, he became a Japanese deserter, opened a clinic in Jinan, and began to practice medicine to save lives and help the injured, which was a lifetime, he not only lived in china, but also married a girl from our country as his wife, and in this life he settled in China. Although after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, he also returned to his own country, but he only stayed for a while and came back, he clearly knew that he had a lot to do, and these were far from making up for the losses and damage caused by the war to our people.

Japanese deserters practiced medicine in Our country to atone for their sins, and before they died, they signed a donation letter for their remains to do research in China

When he returned, he not only brought some new scientific and technological techniques, but also some books on the first side, which were donated to the library. He has been practicing medicine for many years, and his life has always been poor, some poor people come to him to see a doctor, he not only does not charge money, but also buys them medicine for free, so his kindness has also been rewarded, and the people of our country do not have hatred for the war implicated in him, but have special respect and love for him.

Japanese deserters practiced medicine in Our country to atone for their sins, and before they died, they signed a donation letter for their remains to do research in China

Later, due to his frail health, he knew that his time was short, so he signed a body donation letter and donated his body to our country for research. His deeds have touched thousands of people, although his strength is very small, but he can only do this, with this kindness has been perfect, although his strength is small, but the contribution is great!

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