
A baby girl in Brazil was born with a small hand to poke the amniotic sac The miraculous scene was filmed

According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on December 16, a baby girl in Goiânia, Brazil, was wrapped in an amniotic sac at birth, and as a result, she punctured the amniotic sac from the inside with her hand.

A baby girl in Brazil was born with a small hand to poke the amniotic sac The miraculous scene was filmed

It is reported that the mother Rosangela is pregnant with twins, and during the caesarean section, the sister Isis came out first, and then the younger sister Iris came out. But Iris was wrapped in a complete amniotic sac, and after coming out of her mother's stomach, Iris herself reached out and punctured the amniotic sac.

Usually, babies are born with an amniotic sac in very rare cases, and about 1 in 80,000 newborns will be born. But this condition is not a risk to the baby or the mother, just less common in caesarean section surgery, because the scalpel usually pierces the amniotic sac.