
When he fell, he defected to his aunt, who died of illness to inherit trillions of family property, and donated 50,000 cultural relics after returning to China

I believe that many people have seen the rest of the people "overnight rich", but they have never experienced "overnight rich", although everyone dreams of wanting to get rich, but the reality is that this opportunity will never be your turn, these opportunities will always be someone else's, and Zhao Tailai is what we call "other people's family".

When he fell, he defected to his aunt, who died of illness to inherit trillions of family property, and donated 50,000 cultural relics after returning to China

Zhao Tailai, born in 1954, British overseas Chinese, he is the great-grandson of the modern diplomat Wu Tingfang, the descendants of the Zhao family are all over the world, Zhao Tailai loves painting, but the good times are not long, in 1969, Zhao Tailai's parents both died, and he went to Hong Kong to join his aunt at the age of 15.

Aunt is a very successful woman, she has a set of properties worth tens of millions, this luxury villa, there are all kinds of valuable collections, but aunt is a very strong woman, although there are various celebrities chasing her, but she can't look at any of them, and she is still unmarried after 40 years.

When he fell, he defected to his aunt, who died of illness to inherit trillions of family property, and donated 50,000 cultural relics after returning to China

In 1977, Zhao Tailai succeeded to his aunt as a son, the aunt's real estate was moved to Zhao Tailai, the aunt also told Zhao Tailai that there was another treasure house outside London, still wanting him to inherit, Zhao Tailai could not imagine what kind of wealth it was, in 1981, the aunt died for a long time, before dying, the aunt gave her a treasure map.

Just a few days after the incident with his aunt, the British sent a notice asking him to deal with the inheritance, and after Zhao Tailai sold the house, he went to London, and he accepted an old manor, which was bought by his aunt's father more than 80 years ago.

When he fell, he defected to his aunt, who died of illness to inherit trillions of family property, and donated 50,000 cultural relics after returning to China

The manor is particularly large, even if there is a map, Zhao Tailai still spent a day to find a hidden cellar, the cellar fell into disrepair, he found a hammer to knock open, but the scene inside the cellar made him stunned, the cellar is particularly large, inside is placed a variety of large and small wooden boxes.

He opened one of the wooden boxes and found that it was either ancient calligraphy or paintings or antiques, jade, and bronzes abounded, and in order to make these antiques come to light, he formally moved to The United Kingdom in 1992, joined the foreigners, and began to work as an "underground worker" with his wife.

When he fell, he defected to his aunt, who died of illness to inherit trillions of family property, and donated 50,000 cultural relics after returning to China

The two did not dare to ask for a nanny or a gardener, and even their friends had never come to the manor, so the two cleaned up one by one, but it took 10 years just to move out of the cellar to clean up, and in this 10 years, conservatively estimated, he cleaned out more than 60,000 cultural relics.

However, just after cleaning up, he made a bold decision: to transport these cultural relics back to the country, all donated to the museum, his wife quarreled with him every day, saying that he had a broken brain, to know that 60,000 cultural relics can buy a small city in the United Kingdom, and Zhao Tailai wants to donate.

When he fell, he defected to his aunt, who died of illness to inherit trillions of family property, and donated 50,000 cultural relics after returning to China

He tried his best to persuade his wife that in order to make up for the freight, he sold 4 villas in London and shipped back 50,000 cultural relics back to China, which were also donated to the museum, and in the first appraisal, experts estimated that 50,000 cultural relics were worth 800 million yuan (the price at that time).

When he fell, he defected to his aunt, who died of illness to inherit trillions of family property, and donated 50,000 cultural relics after returning to China

What Zhao Tailai did is difficult for ordinary people to understand, but for Zhao Tailai, these cultural relics do not belong to him, but his aunt wants him to protect the family wealth, he alone cannot protect this family collection, but the museum can.

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