
Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

As a feudal lord at the end of the Sengoku period, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was the daimyō of the Sengoku period who completed the first unification of Japan in modern times after the Muromachi shogunate, which made him a poor boy who was originally unknown to one of the three heroes of the Japanese Sengoku period alongside Oda Nobunaga and Tokugawa Ieyasu.

At the end of Japan's Sengoku period, this Warring States general who made outstanding contributions to the unification of Japan also experienced some twists and turns in his feelings and even on the issue of his later heirs.

When he was still a courtier at Oda Nobunaga's side, he fell in love with Oda Nobunaga's sister, Oda City, the "first beauty of the Sengoku Period", but due to his appearance and low local status, he could not show any intention of asking for marriage.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

Therefore, when the husband of Oda City, Asai Nagamasa, gradually became politically opposed to Oda Nobunaga, and Oda City sided with his brother, Toyotomi Hideyoshi felt that his opportunity had come.

Unfortunately, he was ordered by Oda Nobunaga to kill two young sons of Oda City, and he was already excluded from the ranks of remarried candidates in Oda City. So Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her for 23 years, only to wait for the result of her remarrying the 60-year-old Shibata Katsuya after the death of her brother Oda Nobunaga.

But in the end, Toyotomi Hideyoshi's affection for Oda City was "compensated" in another form. After Shibata Katsuya committed suicide after the defeat of Shibata Katsuya and Oda City followed, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who had won the world power in Japan, also married Oda City's 18-year-old eldest daughter Asai Chacha under various factors.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was born in March 1537 in the village of Owari Kunishō, in the area of nagoya in present-day Aichi Prefecture. Because of the early death of his biological father, remarriage with his mother, and the fact that his stepfather was irritable and father-son discord, at the age of 16, Toyotomi Hideyoshi chose to run away from home and make a living for himself.

The pressure to earn a living alone weighed on Hideyoshi Toyoda, who was still an adult at the time. Although before leaving, he took away the Yongle money left to him by his former biological father, but it was like dripping water into the sea, and soon disappeared without a trace.

In this way, Toyotomi Hideyoshi embodied the excitement of breaking through the rivers and lakes, and also endured the helplessness of life. Sometimes it was difficult to even provide food and clothing, Toyotomi Hideyoshi gradually grew into a short stature and obscene appearance.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

In order to make a living, Toyotomi Hideyoshi began to work as a maid at the home of Matsushita Kabei in Toe Kingdom. In the past four years, Toyotomi Hideyoshi has left a good impression on Kabei with his ability and diligence, and has been promoted and cared for by him, but these have also made Toyotomi Hideyoshi an eye-catching presence in the eyes of his colleagues, and has repeatedly suffered jealousy and slander from colleagues.

In desperation, Toyotomi Hideyoshi gave up his job and returned to Owari Kingdom to join Oda Nobunaga, the lord of Owari. At that time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was already 18 years old, but he could only return to the starting point of miscellaneous servants. If it were someone else, it would certainly fall into depression and self-loathing, but Toyotomi Hideyoshi did not.

He completed his tasks conscientiously, and soon gained the appreciation of Oda Nobunaga for his ingenuity, and was qualified to be promoted from servant to lower samurai.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

In this way, he fought steadily and steadily, and spent four or five years gradually becoming the squad leader among the peasant soldiers temporarily recruited by the Oda family.

Around 1560, because Toyotomi Hideyoshi led a small army and made outstanding achievements in the famous Battle of the Barrel Gap, Oda Nobunaga betrothed him ningning, the adopted daughter of the Asano family.

Later, as Kennai's assistant, Ning Ning gave Toyotomi Hideyoshi a great help in stabilizing his power, and was known as the "Hokusei Sho".

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda City

Despite having his wife Ning Ning by his side, Toyotomi Hideyoshi involuntarily set his sights on Oda Nobunaga's sister, Oda City, the first beauty of the Sengoku Period.

However, the difference in their appearance and status doomed Toyotomi Hideyoshi at that time to have no chance of getting close to Oda City. So despite his love for her, Toyotomi Hideyoshi could only watch as Oda Nobunaga married her to Asai Nagamasa, the powerful ruler of Kita-Omi.

However, Oda's in-law alliance with Asai was far less solid than expected. Although Oda city later bore three daughters and two sons to Asai Nagamasa, Asai Nagamasa eventually betrayed his pact with the Oda family out of power considerations.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

Oda Nobunaga did not sit still in the face of the Asai family's sneak attack, and he joined forces with Tokugawa Ieyasu to form an ally and counterattacked in the area around his sister River.

After the Oda army invaded the small ancient city, Asai Nagamasa's dream of reunification became empty talk. With no way out, he sent his wife and three daughters out of town, where he committed suicide. He and Oda City's two sons were also beheaded by Oda Nobunaga at the behest of Toyotomi Hideyoshi because they had the blood of the Asai family.

Oda City, who lost her husband and son, eventually returned to her mother's house with her three daughters and sought the protection of her brother Oda Naganobu. For the next ten years, she pushed off all marriages and lived a peaceful life at home.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

In 1582, during the Honnō-ji Rebellion, Oda Nobunaga was victimized by Mitsuhide, and his political legacy fell into the hands of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuya. Oda and his three daughters then lost their greatest reliance.

In order to consolidate their respective positions in the Oda family, both Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuya proposed marriage to Oda City. Oda City, who could never forget the death of his child, was also arranged by his nephew Oda Nobutaka, and eventually married Shibata Katsuya, who was older than himself and was nearly 60 years old at the time. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's years of waiting were dashed.

Hideyoshi Tsuomi Yo Asai Tea

In 1582, Oda City took the eldest daughter Asai Chacha, the second daughter Asai Chu, and the third daughter Asai River, and remarried to Shibata Katsuya, the lord of Echizen Kitajo Castle. But then the peaceful life did not last for a year, and it was broken by a war.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

After Oda Naganobu's death, a divergence developed between Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Shibata Katsuya, each wanting to become the ones vying for the next world. The fact that Shibata Katsuya finally embraced the beauty also made Toyotomi Hideyoshi even more accelerated the confrontation in addition to anger.

In 1583, Toyotomi Hideyoshi captured Kitajo Castle, and Shibata Katsuya committed suicide in despair. And this time, Oda City, which had no way back, also chose to commit suicide.

As soon as Oda died, Toyonari Hideyoshi never got her chance again. And her three daughters, because of Oda's status as an orphan, naturally received the kindness and protection of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who wanted to inherit the Oda family business.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

But no one could have imagined that Hideyoshi Toyotari, while always favored by Oda City, would transfer this affection for her to her daughter. Among them, Asai Tea Tea was favored by Toyonari Hideyoshi because he looked most like his mother and was born the most beautiful, and became his side room.

Asai Chacha has experienced the death of her father, brother, stepfather and mother, and is no longer an ignorant girl, naturally knowing how bad the situation she and her sister are in now, so in the end, she still took the hand of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and willingly stood by his side as a side room.

As the only woman to give birth to a son for Toyonari Hideyoshi, Asai Tea Tea was also loved by Toyotomi Hideyoshi, and took control of the Toyotomi family, winning the title of "Lady Yodo".

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

Especially when the eldest son died prematurely and there was no successor to the Toyotomi family, Asai Tea Tea also gave birth to a son for Toyotomi Hideyoshi, which made her occupy a unique position in toyonari Hideyoshi's heart.

Unfortunately, after the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in 1598, the Toyotomi family split into two factions around the Hokusho Shonin and Asai Chacha. Although the latter had the most favorable advantage with his son, he eventually lost the opportunity to inherit the Toyotomi family business because the former formed an alliance with Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Later, Tokugawa Ieyasu took control of the world, and the Toyotomi family no longer had the possibility of turning defeat into victory. Asai Chacha also chose to commit suicide with his son in the midst of the fiery heat.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi waited for her all her life, but she could not cultivate the right results, Toyotomi Hideyoshi: Marry her 18-year-old daughter

brief summary:

The relationship between Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Oda City and Asai Tea Mother and Daughter has been discussed by many people until this year. Many people also have different views on whether he will transfer his love for Oda City to Asai Tea.

But the only thing that is certain is that Toyonari Hideyoshi's love for Asai Tea is also the reason why she has conceived his descendants one after another. Unfortunately, later Asai Tea tea did not grasp its own advantages and wasted a good game of chess pieces.

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