
You know what "Nurhaci" and "Dolgun" mean in Manchu? It's all animal names

You know what "Nurhaci" and "Dolgun" mean in Manchu? It's all animal names

People who like to see the palace drama are certainly not unfamiliar with the name Nurhaci, but do you know what the name Nurhaci means in Manchu? "Wild Skin", as the founder of the Qing Dynasty, why did he call such a name? But in fact, these names of ethnic minorities have some special meanings. Although the name Nurhaci literally means wild boar skin, it also has a certain meaning, which means that in the Manchu people, it symbolizes bravery and good fighting, fierce and auspicious, healthy and strong, and this name also contains good wishes for the warriors who go out to fight. Nurhaci also did not live up to this expectation, at the age of twenty-five, he began to fight, relying on the national characteristics of Xiao Yong and good war, unified the Jurchen tribes in one fell swoop, and established the Houjin, also known as qing Taizu.

You know what "Nurhaci" and "Dolgun" mean in Manchu? It's all animal names

It turned out that these Manchu names actually meant animals, and nurhaci's family used them. It's really incredible! You officials may wonder, I don't think this is anything special, how can it mean an animal? In fact, the name given by this Manchu must be in Manchu, so we can't see the doorway in Chinese, we have to look at it in This Manchu.

But did you know that the Nurhaci family also has an interesting name, and that is his fourteenth son, Dorgon? The word "Dolgun" in Manchu means badger, but some scholars believe that it means bear, and badger is a kind of animal full of domineering aura, and Dorgon, his personality and badger are also particularly imagined, his personality is also very dare to fight, so it is said that these names given by the Manchus and his personality are quite matched.

You know what "Nurhaci" and "Dolgun" mean in Manchu? It's all animal names

In addition to Dolgun, Nurhaci also had a son, the fifteenth prince, named Dodo, which means "fetus" in Manchu, and now many people also call this name "Bean Bean" or "Duoduo", which sounds like a nickname, which is very interesting.

The famous tourist city of Chengde, Chengde has a summer resort, there is a stone at the entrance of the villa, the stone is Manchu, meaning "officials get off the horse here", interested friends can go to see. Let's go back to the name of the Nurhaci family,

The nephew Zilharang, who has been raised by Nurhaci, is also a brave warrior, one of the four princes of the Emperor Taiji era, and a rare prince who entered the Taimiao Temple after his death.

You know what "Nurhaci" and "Dolgun" mean in Manchu? It's all animal names

Do you know that the titles of Huang Ama and Huang Erniang that we often hear in TV dramas are also only in Manchu, and generally respect the history of film and television dramas will restore these, but some of the more Thunder TV series directly shout grandparents, there is no sense of history at all.

There will be some Manchu and Chinese contrasts on the Internet, interested can understand the next Oh, you can go to see, very interesting, let Xiaobian and everyone science popularization it.

In fact, few people know that after Yongzheng ascended the throne, he actually had a great hatred for his eighth brother and ninth brother, but he could not impose criminal law in front of the people of the world, in order to relieve the depression and unwillingness in his heart, he changed the names of the eight brothers and the nine brothers, changed the names of the eight brothers to Achena, which is the meaning of the dog, and changed the name of the nine brothers to Seth Black, which is the meaning of the pig. It can be seen how much Yongzheng dislikes these two younger brothers who have participated in the nine sons' conquest.

You know what "Nurhaci" and "Dolgun" mean in Manchu? It's all animal names

Manchu is read without tongue-twisting, very similar to Russian and Arabic languages, and it is difficult to write, it is said that the Manchu language was changed from Mongolian at that time, it was Nurhaci who ordered the Mongolian to change to Manchu, so now many of the palace plaques in the Forbidden City have three languages, Manchu, Mongolian and Chinese.

You know what "Nurhaci" and "Dolgun" mean in Manchu? It's all animal names

Although the Qing Dynasty was founded by the Manchus, the Manchu language was not passed down. Why? When you hear me say this, you must think that I am talking nonsense, don't worry, let me say it slowly. This is because after the Qing Dynasty entered the Customs, the Manchus were required to learn Chinese, although they were reluctant to discard the Manchu language, but because the Manchu language expressed less and less meaning, it was not as good as the use rate of Chinese, and in the early Kangxi years of the Qing Dynasty, many Eight Banners disciples no longer used Manchu.

Have you heard Manchu? What do you think of Manchu? Interested friends can learn more about it

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