
The first COVID-19 vaccinator in Brazil on the global wired |: I am the best example of the role of the vaccine in China

Source: Xinhua News Agency

On January 17 this year, Brazil's National Health Supervision Agency announced that it has given an emergency use license to the new crown vaccine Kellyaf developed by Beijing Kexing Zhongwei Biotechnology Co., Ltd. in China.

The first COVID-19 vaccinator in Brazil on the global wired |: I am the best example of the role of the vaccine in China

In the afternoon, Monica Calassans, a 55-year-old nurse at the Emilio Ribas Institute of Infectious Diseases in São Paulo, Brazil, was vaccinated against Kerrafol, becoming the first COVID-19 vaccinator in Brazil.

The first COVID-19 vaccinator in Brazil on the global wired |: I am the best example of the role of the vaccine in China

The female nurse with high blood pressure and diabetes represents not only the medical staff who are fighting on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, but also the group of patients with underlying diseases who face a higher risk of new crown virus infection, "I am the best example of the good effect of the vaccine, they injected me with Kerrafol, no side effects occurred, this vaccine is safe." ”

The first COVID-19 vaccinator in Brazil on the global wired |: I am the best example of the role of the vaccine in China

Reporters: Luo Jingjing, Kang Wenjun

Editor: Xie Wentao

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

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