
In response to the Global Epidemic | in response to Aumicron, many European countries have promoted child vaccination

With more than 30 mutant amino acids on key proteins, the new coronavirus variant "Omikeron" was quickly designated by WHO as a "variant of concern" (VOC) once it was reported.

The WHO said that Omikerong may be spreading to most countries and regions at an "unprecedented" rate, and the strain may weaken the effectiveness of the vaccine. Gavi, the chief executive of the Vaccine Alliance, said Omicron could exacerbate the uneven distribution of COVID-19 vaccines.

Up to now, a total of 4 cases of Infection with the Omilkejun strain have been reported in Taiwan; the number of cases of infection with the Omiljun strain in Russia has increased to 25; the first case of infection with the Omiljun strain has been detected outside the airport quarantine in Tokyo, Japan; and the first case of infection with the Omiljun strain has been found in Indonesia. In addition, in response to the arrival of the Aumicron strain, many European countries began to vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 years old, including Germany, Spain, Hungary, Greece and Croatia.

WHO: Ami kerong may spread to most countries and territories at an "unprecedented" rate

The World Health Organization said on the 14th that the mutated new coronavirus Amy Kerong strain is spreading at an "unprecedented" speed, or has spread to most countries and regions around the world.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told media reporters on the 14th that 77 countries and regions have reported cases of infection with the Aomi kerong strain, which may have spread to most countries and regions around the world, and the "transmission speed is unprecedented among all previously mutated strains."

In response to the Global Epidemic | in response to Aumicron, many European countries have promoted child vaccination

△ November 27, local time, New York, USA, the airport is sparsely populated.

In the face of the Aumi kerong strain, countries have strengthened epidemic prevention and control and accelerated the promotion of vaccines to strengthen vaccination.

WHO: The Omikejung strain may weaken the effectiveness of the vaccine

The World Health Organization said on the 15th that preliminary evidence shows that the mutated new coronavirus Olmikharong strain may weaken the effectiveness of the new crown vaccine, and people are at higher risk of repeated infection with this strain. However, the effectiveness of existing tests and treatments does not appear to have been compromised.

Preliminary data suggest that the Aumechjung strain may make the COVID-19 vaccine less effective in preventing infection and transmission. At the same time, people are at increased risk of repeated infection with the strain.

According to WHO, it is not yet possible to determine the extent to which the Aumecreon strain evades immunity, nor is it clear how protective existing vaccines are to prevent the development of severe illness and death in people infected with Ami kerong, and more data are needed to be further understood.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance: Omi kerong may exacerbate the uneven distribution of COVID-19 vaccines

Seth Berkeley, CEO of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, said on the 14th that early indications showed that the burden of the mutated new coronavirus Amickon strain has weakened the willingness of rich countries to donate new crown vaccines. He warned that if rich countries were to stockpile vaccines in large quantities again, it could lead to an increase in global vaccine distribution.

A fourth case of Infection with the Omiljung strain was detected in Taiwan

The Taiwan Regional Epidemic Command Center said on the 16th that there was a new case of Infection with the Omiljung strain in Taiwan, which is an imported case. The case entered the country from the United States on 12 December and has received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which is a breakthrough infection. Eight close contacts tested negative for covid-19 and have been quarantined at home.

At present, Taiwan has reported a total of 4 cases of infection with the Omiljung strain, all of which are imported cases from abroad. A "breakthrough infection" is when a person who has been vaccinated for COVID-19 more than 14 days after completing vaccination has tested positive for COVID-19.

The number of cases of infection with the Omikejun strain in Russia increased to 25

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Golikova said on December 16 that Russia has confirmed 25 cases of infection with the Omiljun strain, located in Moscow, Moscow Oblast, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don.

One new confirmed case of COVID-19 in Japan is a passenger on the same plane as an infected strain of the Olmi kerong strain

According to the Japanese TV Asahi website reported on the 16th, a passenger who entered Japan on the 4th tested positive for the new crown virus during the home isolation period.

On the 4th of this month, a man who entered Japan from Narita Airport was found to be infected with the Omikejung strain. It is reported that the positive case arrived in Japan on the same plane as the man.

This is the first case in Tokyo, Japan, in which a covid-19 test has been positive after arriving on the same plane as an infected person with the Aomi Kerong strain.

For the first time, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government of Japan has detected an infection with the Aomi Kerong strain outside of airport quarantine

According to Japan's "Yomiuri Shimbun" report, on the 16th, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike said that a case of Infection with the Aomi Kerong strain was confirmed in Tokyo, and the infected person had traveled overseas and tested negative for the new crown virus at the airport entry quarantine. Infection with the Aomi kerong strain was confirmed during home isolation.

According to Japan's Kyodo News Agency, Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroichi Matsuno said at a press conference on the 16th that the case is not a local confirmed case.

The patient is currently in home isolation. This is the first time that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has detected an infection with the Olmikerron strain outside of airport quarantine.

There were three new cases in Singapore with initial confirmed infection with the Omiljun strain

The Singapore Ministry of Health issued an announcement on the evening of the 15th that there were 3 new cases of initial confirmation of infection with the Omilton strain on the same day, and the cumulative number of confirmed cases of Omiljung virus strain in Singapore is currently 19.

Indonesia has detected the first case of infection with the Omiljung strain

Indonesian Health Minister Boudhi announced on December 16 that Indonesia has detected the first case of infection with the Omiljung strain, a cleaner at the Asian Games Village Isolation Hospital.

Malaysia has a new case of Aomi Kerong infection The Ministry of Health urges the elderly to be vaccinated with reinforcing needles

Malaysian Health Minister Hayyri said on the 16th that Malaysia has added another case of imported cases from Aomi Kerong, the patient is an 8-year-old girl, she recently returned from Nigeria with her family.

Hayry also said that in order to accelerate the delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations, Malaysia's Ministry of Health will take the lead in re-setting up super-large vaccination centers in the Klang Valley region near the capital Kuala Lumpur; in addition, all people over the age of 60 must be vaccinated by February 2022, otherwise the e-vaccination status on their mobile phones will shift to unfinished vaccination.

India added 17 new cases of Infection with the Omikejong variant, bringing the cumulative number of infections to 74

According to a number of Media reports in India, there were 17 new cases of Infection with the Omikejong variant in India on the 15th, and there are currently 74 cases of infection with the Omikejunn variant in India.

There have been cases of the Omicron variant in 11 regions of India. In view of the sudden increase in infection cases in various places, many parts of India are preparing to tighten epidemic prevention measures. The Indian central government held a special meeting on the 15th, requiring the states to prepare emergency medical equipment in advance. India's Ministry of Health believes that the threat of Aomi Kerong is now "imminent".

There were 5 new cases of infection with the Omiljun strain in Jordan

On December 16, local time, the Jordanian Ministry of Health reported that 5 cases of Infection with the Omiljun strain had been detected again, all of which were imported cases. Jordan's health ministry said the infected had been subjected to mandatory quarantine at designated hotels in the capital Amman and were subject to epidemiological investigations.

On 10 December, Jordan reported the first detection of two cases of Infection with the Omiljun strain in its territory. In response to the spread of the Olmikharon strain, Jordan has tightened its epidemic prevention policy and imposed a series of entry restrictions on people with travel history in seven African countries.

Fauci: The COVID-19 vaccine booster is an effective defense against the Ami kerong variant

On December 15, local time, Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser of the Us White House, said at the White House briefing on the new crown pneumonia epidemic that according to the current experimental situation, it is not necessary to make a specific vaccine for the new coronavirus variant strain, Olmiqueron, but all people who are fully vaccinated with the new crown vaccine also need to inject a reinforcing needle to effectively defend against Omiqueron.

Cornell University in the United States has more than 1,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in one week

According to data from December 15, local time, Cornell University in the United States reported 1135 cases of students infected with the new crown virus from December 8 to 14, of which the cases who were fully vaccinated but infected with the Aumicoren strain accounted for a "very high proportion".

Cornell Vice President Joel Malina said in a statement that so far, almost all cases of infection with the Omicron strain at the university are students who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and some of them have also received COVID-19 vaccine boosters.

The first case of infection with the Olmikerjung strain was detected in Poland

On the 16th local time, Polish Deputy Health Minister Kraska announced that a 30-year-old female in Katowice, Poland, was infected with the Omikeron variant strain. The confirmed case is currently feeling well and has been quarantined. This is the first case of infection with the Omikejon strain detected in Poland.

UK Health Official: Omi kerong is the biggest threat to public health in the UK since the outbreak began

On the 15th local time, according to the data released by the British Health Security Agency, the Aumechjong variant has become the main new coronavirus spreading in the London area.

Samples collected by the agency on the 11th and 12th of this month found that the Infection of the Omikeron variant accounted for 51.8% of the total number of COVID-19 cases in the London area, compared with 24% across England.

On the 15th, British government health officials said that the Aumicron variant is the biggest threat to public health in the UK since the outbreak of the epidemic.

Aumilon is threatening many European countries to promote child vaccination

The mutated new coronavirus Olmikeron strain continues to spread rapidly in many parts of the world, and European Union officials expect that this strain will become the main epidemic strain in Europe in mid-January next year.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen warned on the 15th that the Olmikron strain may become the main epidemic strain in most European countries in mid-January next year.

In response to the outbreak of the Olmikron strain, several European countries began vaccinate children aged 5 to 11 years, including Germany, Spain, Hungary, Greece and Croatia.

Europe has a high recent infection rate among children aged 5 to 11 years, and the European Medicines Agency approved the vaccination of children in this age group with low doses of Pfizer vaccine in late November.

Italy, Portugal, Poland, the Czech Republic and Balkan countries will initiate child vaccination in the coming days. Denmark and parts of Austria have begun providing COVID-19 vaccines to children aged 5 to 11 years in November.

The French government is considering extending vaccination to all children between the ages of 5 and 11, and at the moment France is only allowed to vaccinate children at risk of severe illness in this age group. In addition, French President Emmanuel Macron said on the 15th that it may be mandatory for the public to vaccinate against the new crown.

European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The number of infections with the Aumechjong variant may exceed Delta within 3 months

On the 15th local time, the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention released a report that the new coronavirus Omiljung variant has spread in community in Europe. According to the data model, in the first two months of next year, the Aumequeron variant in Europe will be infected with more people than the Delta strain.

Although current data suggest that the Opmecreon strain may be similar or slightly less pathogenic to the Delta strain, this strain is more contagious and will still cause a significant increase in hospital admissions and deaths in the coming months.

Kenya has reported the first case of infection with the Aomi Kerong strain

In response to the Global Epidemic | in response to Aumicron, many European countries have promoted child vaccination

On December 15, local time, the Kenyan health department announced that Kenya had detected the New Coronavirus Omiljung variant in 3 travelers (1 South African and 2 Kenyans), and three people had been isolated.

Several other samples are being tested by health authorities to determine whether the mutant strain has spread locally.

The first case of infection with the Omiljun strain was detected in New Zealand

On the 16th local time, the New Zealand health department announced the discovery of the first case of infection with the new crown variant virus Omikejong strain. The confirmed patient is an overseas immigrant who is currently in quarantine in Christchurch.

Source Beijing Daily client reporter Gao Chenchen

Edited by Gao Chenchen

Process Editor Yan Shengmiao

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