
The name of the baby born on the night of the rainstorm made netizens cry

During the exceptionally heavy rainstorm in Zhengzhou, the reporter of the Image Network reported that on the night of the rainstorm, the obstetrics department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University suddenly lost power, and the medical staff had to use the spare lamp to do the delivery operation. Yesterday, this news had a follow-up that touched netizens.

The name of the baby born on the night of the rainstorm made netizens cry

Obstetric staff of Zhengda Third Affiliated Hospital do delivery operation with spare lamp Data map

"On the first day of your birth, you will face the flood beasts of this world. Even if there is only one beam of light left, we do our best to light it up for you and escort you. "At 16:00 on July 20, it rained a rare rainstorm in Zhengzhou. The obstetrics department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University suddenly lost power, and medical staff had to do delivery operations with spare lights. After the successful birth of the baby, the nurse girl Dong Liuchen wrote the above paragraph in the circle of friends.

It is reported that in the nearly 12 hours of the obstetrics department of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, 15 children were born here. Now, what happened to the baby born on a rainy night? Yesterday, CCTV News found Zhou Qing, one of the pregnant women who gave birth on the night of the rainstorm, and learned that because of the rainstorm, Zhou Qing and her husband Wang Shuai decided not to use the name they had thought of before, and named the child "Wang Yuting" - "I hope that the rainstorm can stop, which means 'looking forward to the rain stopping'." ”

The name of the baby born on the night of the rainstorm made netizens cry

A hundred days of rainy night birth baby Wang Yuting

This warm news follow-up, let netizens moved. Many people left messages "tears" and "burst crying". Netizen "Road GUO" said "really warm, really not easy, I hope the baby will grow up happily in the future", netizen "YIBO" sighed "the meaning is deep, only after experiencing the rainstorm can you understand the feeling at that time", netizens "Happy Hehe Happiness" for the baby expressed "thanks to the lovely medical staff".

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