
The "e-network one heart and one heart to build civilization" city leaders and netizens met and held

author:Information News

On the afternoon of December 15, the "e-network one heart to build civilization" - the meeting of municipal leaders and netizens was held. Li Ling, secretary of the municipal party committee, communicated face-to-face with 11 netizen representatives, listened to the voices of netizens, and talked about the development of their hometown. Yu Lei, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Nantong Municipal Party Committee and director of the Cyberspace Office of the Municipal Party Committee, Cui Xiaoyong, Wang Chunhua and Huang Chen, leaders of Qidong City, heads of some districts, towns and departments, representatives of online media and representatives of the first batch of "Network Civilization Gas Stations" attended the event.

The atmosphere of the meeting was warm, and the representatives of netizens interacted with districts, towns and departments on the development and construction of Lvsi Port, the development of cultural tourism, as well as medical care, education, transportation and other aspects. Some netizens asked: "What impact will the 2+2 pier of the New Outlet of The Lusi Port Area in Tongzhou Bay bring to the lives of the people after the opening of the port?" What changes have been brought to the appearance of Lvsigang Town? Li Ling said that the 2+2 terminal of The Lvsi Start Port Area is about to open, which fulfills our century-old dream of building the Oriental Grand Port, and lays a solid foundation for promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and the implementation of the two major strategies of Development to the Sea and Integration with Shanghai in Qidong City. The opening and operation of the port area will attract more and better logistics, information flow, capital flow, and talent flow, and will also bring a series of effects such as industrial agglomeration development, employment opportunity increase, talent structure optimization, and organic renewal of urban appearance, which will surely provide strong support for the integrated development of Lvsi Port industry and city and the improvement of urban energy level.

After answering questions from netizens, Li Ling pointed out that the meeting was not only an exchange, but also a "consultation" for the work of the municipal party committee and municipal government. It is hoped that the vast number of netizens and media friends will strengthen the leadership of the party, adhere to the principle of integrity and innovation, transmit positive energy, be a good "supervisor", widely gather the upward and benevolent forces of the whole society, strive to create a clear cyberspace, and jointly promote the standardized and orderly development of the network; focus on the key points, focus on the key tasks such as connecting with Shanghai, project construction, rural revitalization, civilization creation, new urbanization construction, and cadre team construction, find the entry point, stimulate originality, and tell the story of Qidong and spread the voice of Qidong in a way that the people like to hear, Continuously enhance the reputation and influence of Qidong.

Li Ling stressed that at present, Qidong City has a platform for contacting and communicating with the masses, such as the consultation room of "there is something to discuss" and "volunteer service I report to". It is necessary to establish a network communication platform and smooth the communication channels between netizens and the government face to face. Propaganda departments should take this meeting as a starting point to further improve the working mechanism, build a network communication and exchange platform, institutionalize and promote the meeting activities between netizens and leading cadres, listen to the voices of netizens, and do practical things for the people.

Yu Lei fully affirmed the work of network security and informatization in Qidong City. He hoped that Qidong's network information work should earnestly achieve the people in mind, "e network feelings" to take the mass line; with responsibility in mind, "e road forward" to build network civilization; with feelings in the heart, "e Qi and hand in hand" to create a clear space, for the high-quality economic and social development of Qidong to gather a strong joint force.

Cui Xiaoyong, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, presided over the meeting. The meeting released the logo of "network civilization gas stations" in Qidong City, and announced the list of the first batch of "network civilization gas stations" in Qidong City. Li Ling and Yu Lei jointly awarded licenses to the first batch of "Network Civilization Gas Stations" sites in Qidong City. Netizen representatives shared their stories of striving to be good netizens in Qidong.

In the morning, some netizens successively went to the 2+2 pier of the Lvsi Starting Port Area of tongzhou Bay, the reconstruction site of Tonghai Reclamation and Animal Husbandry Company, the Qidong Printmaking Museum, the Blue Printed Cloth Art Museum and other places to see Qidong, and feel the construction scene and the ever-changing construction results of the eastern Xinjiang land.

(Chen Lidi, Zhu Bishi, Pan Yang, Elegant)

(Source: Qidong Municipal People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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