
A 28-year-old patient with heart-lung combination transplantation gave birth to a healthy baby girl, which was the first case in China

The reporter learned at a press conference held by the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University on December 16 that Xiaoying (pseudonym), a 28-year-old heart-lung combined transplant patient, gave birth to a healthy baby girl in the hospital on November 15, becoming the first patient in the country to conceive and successfully deliver a heart-lung combined transplant patient. At present, the baby girl is full moon and the mother and daughter are in good health.

A 28-year-old patient with heart-lung combination transplantation gave birth to a healthy baby girl, which was the first case in China

On November 15, Xiao Ying, a patient with heart-lung combination transplant, gave birth to a healthy baby girl at the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University. (Courtesy of the interviewee)

It is understood that Xiaoying suffers from congenital ventricular deficiency, and secondary pulmonary hypertension gradually develops into "Eisenmenger syndrome". Heart-lung combination transplant surgery is the only effective method for treating the end-stage of "Eisenmenger syndrome", and it is also a high-risk and difficult surgery recognized by the world medical community. On October 17, 2014, Xiaoying successfully underwent a combined heart-lung transplant at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Second Xiangya Hospital. After the operation, Xiaoying reviewed on time under the guidance of the doctor, took anti-rejection drugs, and recovered well.

In 2020, Xiaoying formed a family and had the idea of becoming pregnant and having a child. According to hospital experts, the postoperative pregnancy of the recipient of the heart-lung combination transplant is a high-risk pregnancy and the risk is extremely high. According to Xiaoying's situation, the doctor team of the Second Xiangya Hospital stopped the drugs that affected Xiaoying's pregnancy and fetal development in advance, adjusted the anti-rejection drugs and immunosuppressive programs in real time, and prepared Xiaoying for pregnancy, pregnancy and production. At the beginning of 2021, Xiaoying naturally conceived successfully. Since then, the hospital has gathered experts and conducted consultations many times. When Xiaoying was 36 weeks pregnant, Xiangya Second Hospital organized a team to consult with Xiaoying, carefully formulated a delivery plan, and decided to perform a caesarean section for Xiaoying when she was 38 weeks pregnant. On November 15th, under the "escort" of obstetrics and anesthesiology experts and surgical teams of the Second Xiangya Hospital, Xiaoying successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

At present, the hospital continues to provide health monitoring services for Xiaoying's mother and daughter.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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