
Yang Liping's 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition was launched in Kunming Some of the video materials were released for the first time

China Youth Daily Client News (China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Zhang Wenling) On December 15, half a century of looking back - "National Dance • Chinese Heart" dance artist Yang Liping congyi 50 years of photo exhibition opened at the Yunnan Literature and Art Museum, the exhibition in the form of pictures, showing the audience Yang Liping's 50 years of life experience and stage career from art.

Video shooting production China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Zhang Wenling

In 1971, Yang Liping entered the Xishuangbanna State Song and Dance Troupe and began her dance life. After 10 years, she was transferred to the Beijing Central National Song and Dance Troupe. Here, she wrote and performed "The Spirit of the Sparrow" and appeared on the Spring Festival Gala of CCTV 7 times. Over the years, she has created and directed 11 dance dramas such as "Yunnan Yingxiang" and "Spring Festival", some of which have toured many countries around the world.

Yang Liping's 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition was launched in Kunming Some of the video materials were released for the first time

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter Zhang Wenling / photo

Yang Liping's 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition was launched in Kunming Some of the video materials were released for the first time
Yang Liping's 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition was launched in Kunming Some of the video materials were released for the first time

The event was hosted by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Yunnan Province, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Yunnan Province, and hosted by Yunnan Yang Liping Cultural Communication Co., Ltd. and Kunming Myiding Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. The exhibition consists of pictures, videos and installations, and some of the video materials were released publicly for the first time.

Yang Liping's 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition was launched in Kunming Some of the video materials were released for the first time
Yang Liping's 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition was launched in Kunming Some of the video materials were released for the first time
Yang Liping's 50 Years of Art Photo Exhibition was launched in Kunming Some of the video materials were released for the first time

Source: China Youth Daily client

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