
The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

In history, there are some so-called famous players, either because they are brave and fierce, or because they think that they are superior in intelligence, so they show off their talents. As a result, if you are not careful, you will lose your footing into thousands of ancient hatreds and lose your life in vain. If there are famous generals who "died", I think Xu Xi of the Song Dynasty is exemplary. This man explains to us the true meaning of "not to do or not to die" in what he has done.

The reason why Xu Xi became a "famous general" is because his "name" is purely obtained by "doing". He relied on his work to bring a fiasco to the Song Dynasty, and also made himself "famous" in this battle, "dying" himself.

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

First, the beginning of Xu Xi's failed journey.

It was in the fifth year of the Northern Song Dynasty (1082 AD), when Emperor Shenzong of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Zhao Yan, saw the recitation of "building a city and advancing, controlling Hengshan" and was quite impressed. He then personally ordered Xu Xi and Li Shunju to go to Yanzhou to examine and approve the plan for the construction of the city, and instructed Shen Kuo, the commander of the yanlu garrison, to obey Xu Xi's dispatches, and also made Li Ji responsible for raising grain and pay to ensure military supplies.

However, Song Shenzong only saw that this plan was very good, but he did not consider the candidates sent to execute, and the Xu Xi he sent brought a great disaster to him and the Song Dynasty. Xu Xi was a man who had no actual combat experience, but he thought that he was an unborn good general. He often boasted to himself: "It is not me Xu who boasts, if I am on the edge, I can recover the territory of the northwest without any effort." Helplessly, now that the general of shubian is afraid to fight, what can he do?"

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

This time, the Song Shen Sect sent Xu Xi to the northwest frontier to review the plan to build a city, which made Xu Xi overjoyed. He thought that the opportunity to show his skills had come, so he confidently led his entourage on the journey. After Xu Xi arrived at Yanyan, he did not seriously study the enemy situation, and rarely went to the scene to inspect the terrain, so he used the skill of thinking that he was "familiar with the art of war and proficient in Tao strategy", briefly asked Shen Kuo about the situation, completely overturned the plan of Zhong'e, and formulated a plan for the construction of a city himself.

Second, the first step in Xu Xi's failed journey.

Xu Xi gathered the generals together and said, "The plan to build a city and control Hengshan was seriously flawed when He'e proposed to the imperial court. First, Yinzhou seems to be located at the confluence of the Mingtang River and the Wuding River, which seems to be dangerous to defend, but the southeast of the old city has been flooded, and the northwest is a graben, which is far less favorable than the terrain of the Yongle River; second, the old cities of Xiazhou and Youzhou have collapsed and destroyed, and if they are repaired one by one, the project is voluminous and the cost is too large. Therefore, this plan is not suitable for implementation. It is necessary to leave the original state city site and choose another important place to rebuild the fortress. I decided to establish Liuzhai and Six Forts in Shuilechuan, relying on the mountainous terrain to form a position, as a hub for controlling the three prefectures of Yin, You, and Xia, so that I could advance in a big way. ”

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

Who knew that Zhong'e did not agree with Xu Xi's plan, he said: "In xiajiuju border pass, I know that the northwest is geographically advantageous, and the three prefecture cities of Yin, You, and Xia are all fortresses that have been repeatedly surveyed and selected by predecessors, and there are dangers to base, water available, developed transportation, convenient supply, and control over the places to which they belong." If these places are abandoned and the city is rebuilt in Yonglechuan, a prominent problem is the lack of spring water. Controlling the water source with the water village is very unreliable, once the water village is lost, the water source is cut off, and all the walled castles will fall into a desperate situation. Although the project of repairing the three cities is large, if it is carried out one by one in the order of silver, you, and xia, it is also within its reach. ”

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

Xu Xi had already designed a plan for building the city, and he did not adopt The opinion of Seed E at all. So he issued an order to build a city according to his own plan.

Soon, Zhong'e played a book to the imperial court, trying to explain that Xu Xi's plan was not feasible. When Xu Xi found out, he angrily rebuked, "You dare to obstruct and sabotage my city-building plan in every way, aren't you afraid of death?!" Without showing weakness, He said, "Building a fortress in Yongle is bound to be defeated." Defeat is inevitable death, not subject to your control, nothing more than a death, what is terrible?! ”

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

Xu Xi saw that he could not make Zhong'e submit, so he immediately played a book to the imperial court, accusing Zong'e of being undisciplined and unrestrained, and ordering him to stay in Yan'an. Subsequently, together with Li Shunju and Shen Kuo, he led Gao Yongneng, Gao Yongheng, Qu Zhen and other ten generals, 100,000 horses and horses, and nearly 200,000 people to build a city in Yonglechuan. Due to the requisition of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, manpower is sufficient, and the construction of the city is progressing relatively smoothly. It took only half a month to take shape. Xu Xi was very pleased, and immediately named it Yinchuan Zhao, and assigned Qu Zhen to guard.

Third, the second step in Xu Xi's failed journey.

Just as Xu Xi was sitting in the town of Mizhi waiting for the imperial court to be rewarded, suddenly came the news that thousands of people and horses in Western Xia were approaching the new city. Xu Xi hurriedly dispatched his generals to meet the enemy and personally went to Yinchuan to command the battle. Some of his close associates suggested: "The intention of the imperial court is that the lords should come and examine the location of the fortification, and now that the new city has been built, it is the responsibility of the generals who guard the border to insult and retreat from the enemy, and we can return to the Capital Division."

At this time, Xu Xi was bent on making meritorious contributions and showing his prestige, and his name remained in qingshi, and where he still listened to the advice of others, he immediately ordered Shen Kuozhen to guard the rice fat, and together with Li Shunju, Li Ji and others, led a large group of people and horses into Yinchuan.

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

Soon after Xu Xi arrived in Yinchuan, thousands of Xia soldiers retreated without a fight. However, he regarded Xia Bing's reconnaissance operation as not daring to attack the new city and fleeing in fear. Then, the news came that 200,000 Xia soldiers had come to attack Yongle. Xu Xi did not even make preparations to meet the enemy, and even uttered wild words: "The fact that the Xia soldiers came in a big way was a great opportunity for me to rely on the fortified fortress to kill the enemy and make meritorious contributions and win the riches."

The general Gao Yonghengjiu was on the northwest side of Shu, and when he saw that the Xia soldiers were coming fiercely, he knew that it would be difficult to defeat him, so he hastily suggested: "Yinchuan is too small and has no spring water, so it is not appropriate for the whole army to hold firm here." As soon as Xu Xi heard this, he was furious, so he took the order and beheaded him for shaking the hearts of the army. Fortunately, thanks to the bitter persuasion of the generals, Gao Yongheng was spared death and was escorted to Yanzhou for imprisonment, waiting to be released.

Fourth, the third step of Xu Xi's journey to death

This time, Xia Bing dispatched troops from the country to attack Yongle, and The general Gao Yongneng, who had fought with Xia Bing many times, saw that the Xia army had just arrived and had not yet lined up, and hastened to suggest: "Now take advantage of the chaotic situation of the enemy's troops, we should send troops to attack as soon as possible." Blindly arrogant, Xu Xi actually learned the tone of Song Xianggong and said: "The master of the king, without drumming, there is no column." Still standing still, he lost the fighter again.

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

After the Xia army was lined up, the Song army lost the initial battle, and saw the Xia soldiers flocking to the scene, and people were flustered. Qu Zhenhuan, who was deploying a front under the city, suggested: "Now that the army's heart has been shaken, it is impossible to engage the Xia army, and if the battle is bound to be lost, please order the city to enter the city and hold firm." Xu Xi scolded loudly: "As a general, when you see the enemy, you want to retreat without a fight, do you still have military law in your heart?" Frightened, Qu Zhenshi confessed his mistake and waited for the order to go to war.

Soon, the Xia army began to cross the river to attack the Song army. Qu Zhen asked to strike at the half-crossing, but Xu Xi refused. After the Xia army attacked, the Song army also sent yan's most elite xuanfeng army to attack. However, these armies lost the engagement with the Xia army, fled in a big defeat, and rushed to the rear. Subsequently, the Xia army took advantage of the full development of the situation and launched a fierce attack on the Song army's fortress. On the various positions of the Song army, the army and the people were mixed together, and after being attacked by the Xia soldiers, they were chaotic. Some fled to the south, some retreated to Dazhai, crowded and trampled on each other, and the Xia soldiers slashed and killed indiscriminately in the rear, resulting in more than 200,000 soldiers and civilians, and only more than 30,000 people retreated into Dazhai.

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

V. The last step in Xu Xi's journey to death.

At this time, the water village had been occupied by the Xia army, and the 30,000 people were also in a situation where there was no water to drink. There was no water in the city, and within a few days, the Song army died of thirst. Qu Zhen saw that the general trend had gone, and in order to avoid the total annihilation of the army, he suggested organizing a breakthrough. However, Xu Xi's square inches were already chaotic, and he didn't know how to deal with it. He took the last step in his death.

Just when the defenders were fighting hard to support, suddenly heavy rain fell from the sky, the men and horses got water to drink, and the army's heart was stable. The generals saw that there was vitality and planned to organize a breakthrough. Unexpectedly, the newly built soil was all washed away by the rain, and Xia Bing took advantage of the situation and rushed in. Gao Yongneng led his army to meet the battle and was killed. Xu Xi, Li Shunju, Li Ji and others all died in the rebellion. Only Qu Zhen and the other four generals broke through the siege and survived death.

The blindly arrogant Xu Xi, with his wayward choice, brought a tragic defeat to the Song Dynasty

In the Battle of Yongle, because Xu Xigang was self-conscious, he did not listen to the advice of experienced veterans, and insisted on going his own way and building a city in the wrong place. Moreover, he did not measure up to his own strength and personally commanded the battle. In the course of the battle, he also commanded indiscriminately and repeatedly lost the fighter, resulting in a crushing defeat. Xu Xi not only "died" himself, but also brought heavy losses to the Song Dynasty, and he used his own "death" to leave a strong mark in history.

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