
Shinsen Rectification Training: An Important Chapter in the History of the People's Army

author:Minnan Net

Xinquan training casts the soul of the army

In 1929, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Chen Yi led the Red Fourth Army to enter Liancheng Xinquan three times and carried out the famous "Xinquan Rectification Training", which wrote an important chapter in the history of our army.

The three sides of the new spring face the water, overlooking a green island with jade belts and beads. Located at the southern end of Liancheng County, it is a transportation hub connecting Changting, Shanghang and Longyan City, and its strategic position is very important.

Shinsen Rectification Training: An Important Chapter in the History of the People's Army

According to the staff of the Xinquan Rectification Training Memorial Hall of the Red Fourth Army, on May 21, 1929, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Chen Yi led the Red Fourth Army to come to Xinquan for the first time from Changting Tufang via Luodi and held a mass meeting under the large banyan tree on the liannan river in Beicun. Mao Zedong made a warm speech, calling on the toiling masses to unite to fight the local tyrants, divide the land, and build up the workers and peasants to make a revolution.

On June 10 of the same year, after the Red Fourth Army occupied Longyan City and annihilated a regiment of Zhong Mingqing in Shanghang Baisha, Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Chen Yi led the Red Fourth Army from Shanghang Old County to Xinquan for the second time for a week's rest. During this period, the Red Fourth Army held a meeting at the back of Zhushan Mountain in Xinquan, and Zhu De announced that the local armed forces in western Fujian would be combined to form the Fourth Column of the Red Fourth Army, and the red fourth army team was expanded from more than 3,600 people to nearly 6,000 people.

"After the Red Fourth Army descended Jinggangshan, it created the revolutionary base areas in gannan and western Fujian, and the contingent became larger and larger. Since the Red Fourth Army was still in its infancy at that time, most of its members were from peasant and petty-bourgeois backgrounds, and there were all kinds of non-proletarian ideas and erroneous tendencies in the ranks, which seriously hindered the Red Fourth Army from correctly carrying out the mission entrusted by the Party and the revolution and the survival and development of the troops. Wu Lingjin, director of the Red Fourth Army Xinquan Rectification Training Memorial Hall, introduced.

On December 3 of the same year, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Committee and the spirit of the "September Letter", Mao Zedong and others led the Red Fourth Army to enter Xinquan for the third time and carry out more than ten days of political and military rectification training to thoroughly correct the erroneous thinking within the party and comprehensively improve the military quality of the troops.

According to the division of labor of the former committee, Mao Zedong and Chen Yi were mainly responsible for political rectification training, and Zhu De was mainly responsible for military rectification training. After the reorganization began, Mao Zedong went down to the grass-roots level to carry out various investigation meetings, talked with cadres, soldiers, and peasants, learned about the thinking and existing problems of the Red Army, patiently educated the soldiers on the erroneous ideological tendencies that appeared, and solicited opinions on army building. After concentrated rectification and training, the political consciousness of the commanders and fighters has been continuously enhanced, and their spiritual outlook has been completely renewed.

Military rectification and training are also in full swing. Zhu De gave a mobilization report to the commanders and fighters of the Red Fourth Army on the stage of the 10,000-strong military and civilian congress, presided over the formulation of various regulations and regulations, held a training class for grass-roots military cadres, and personally gave lectures. In order to enhance the military command ability of cadres, cadres at all levels of the whole army have been organized into several training teams, with the commander of the column as the captain, and the captain has set an example by leading the soldiers to train strictly according to the requirements of actual combat. Through military technical and tactical training throughout the army, we will enhance the military quality of officers and men and enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops.

"Xinquan rectification training is the starting point of the people's army's regularization construction, the first large-scale and standardized all-army training of the Red Fourth Army, and the first initiative in the institutionalization and standardization of our army's political rectification training." At the same time, the Xinquan Rectification Training made sufficient ideological, organizational, and drafting drafts for the successful convening of the Ninth Congress of the Red Fourth Army Party, and played a vital role in establishing the principle of army building under the party's absolute leadership over the army. Wu Lingjin introduced.

The spirit is passed down under the big banyan tree

The large banyan tree in Xinquan North Village and the south river is leafy and covered like a cloud. It has witnessed the fiery years when the Red Fourth Army entered Xinquan, and has long become a symbol of red history, and has a different kind of feeling in people's hearts.

Under the shade of greenery, the lecturer and veteran party member of the "Big Banyan Tree Pulpit" opened their voices and told the story of the "Red Well Bar" in Xinquan to the crowd. According to Wu Huaisheng, secretary of the Xinquan Town Party Committee, the lecturers of the "Big Banyan Tree Forum" are mainly composed of veteran party members, descendants of the Red Army, retired teachers, and other propaganda backbones, who use easy-to-understand language to preach the story of Xinquan Red and interpret policies and regulations to the vast number of party members and the masses. After more than 3 years of creation, the "Big Banyan Tree Forum" has become an important brand for publicizing ideology and culture in Liancheng, and has organized more than 200 sessions of various propaganda sessions, with a total of more than 30,000 people participating in the study.

Many of the stories told by the "Big Banyan Tree Pulpit" come from the "Story of Xinquan", and the editor-in-chief is Yang Binfang, a teacher at Xinquan Central Primary School. In recent years, he has invested a lot of time and energy to visit and examine, excavate and sort out the red stories and town sentiments of Xinquan, and volunteered to participate in the compilation of books such as "The Story of Xinquan" and "The Seal of Xinquan".

"We cannot forget the red history of Xinquan." Yang Binfang, who has been listening to the elders tell red stories in the Wangyun Cao Room since childhood, said that the people of Xinquan have made contributions to the revolution, and there are more than 500 registered martyrs.

Today, 6 of the 11 red revolution sites in Xinquan are included in the national key cultural relics protection units as part of the "Gutian Conference Site Group". Since the study and education of party history was launched, the newly renovated Memorial Hall of the Red Fourth Army's Xinquan Rectification Training and the surrounding red sites have become an important place for cadres and groups to participate in party sex education and carry out research and study activities.

According to reports, the collection of cultural relics in the memorial hall has reached more than 2700 pieces. In 2020, the memorial received a total of 15,473 visitors, an increase of 6% year-on-year in the face of the impact of the epidemic. Caption: The old site of Xinquan Rectification Training has become an on-site teaching point for local party history study and education. (Fujian Daily reporter Zhang Jie correspondent Huang Shuilin text/photo)

Journalist insights

Further polish the Shinsen red brand

Fujian Daily reporter Zhang Jie

Over the years, Liancheng Xinquan has been famous for its main traffic routes, hot springs and many Hakka cuisines.

In addition, Shinsen's more resounding reputation comes from the "Shinsen Rectification Training". Stepping into the town, the bright red flags on both sides of the road hunt in the wind, leading tourists from all over the world to the Red Fourth Army Xinquan Training Memorial Hall and a number of red sites.

Here, following the glorious footprints of the great revolutionary practice of the proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation, people reminisce about the history of the red, feel the spiritual inheritance, and explore the development and changes in the red land. Sitting under the big banyan tree that witnessed the training of Xinquan, looking at the scene of lush foliage, the reporter often had the feeling of "fighting and shifting stars", and he could also feel the far-reaching influence of the red years.

Here, "red advantage gives new energy" is by no means a slogan. Locals have formed a consensus: Xinquan is popular, thanks to the protection and development and utilization of red resources, we should further polish the "Xinquan Rectification Training" red brand, so that "red" and "hot springs" and "food" together to form a "Xinquan characteristics of the three treasures" style of cultural and tourism integration and benign interaction.

Deeds speak louder than words. The reporter was pleased to see that Liancheng County was already in action. Whether it is the red old site group stringing dots into lines, integration and upgrading, the construction of Xinquan red style town and other large-scale efforts, or the masses' strong support for project demolition, new planning for local specialty food industry, etc., all show the positive actions of the local area.

During the interview, the deeds of Zhang Kaitao, a volunteer docent of the "Big Banyan Tree Pulpit", moved the reporter. In addition to three years of unhindered preaching, cold and hot, he went deep into many revolutionary base point villages to visit revolutionary predecessors, witnesses of historical events or their descendants, and collect first-hand materials, regardless of the rarity of his age and the rugged mountain roads. Recording the martyr's indomitable deeds, he even cried like a child.

"The true color of a Communist Party member is to ensure that he does not retire from his post and does not retire from his duties, and that retirement does not fade." Zhang Kaitao said that what he collected was red stories, what he recorded was red history, and more importantly, he inherited and carried forward the red spirit. In him, we see the persistent red feelings of the Xinquan people. With this spiritual power, The red business card of Xinquan will definitely be polished more brightly.

Source: Fujian Daily

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