
A dolphin in Scotland was photographed diving completely into the water for a "handstand"

Source: World Wide Web

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According to the British "Daily Mail" reported on December 15, a dolphin near the Island of Lewis in Scotland recently "upside down" in the sea and slowly rotated, wildlife experts with drones to photograph this scene.

A dolphin in Scotland was photographed diving completely into the water for a "handstand"

In the video, the dolphin swims in the water, and then its head dives down into the water, levitating vertically and slowly rotating its body. Although dolphins have also been witnessed "handstanding" in the sea before, "handstanding" completely submerged underwater is the first time it has been found.

Researcher Nicole Hawkins said they don't know why dolphins do this, but one theory is that it may be underwater listening intently to the calls of other creatures.

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