
10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

author:Pet Encyclopedia

Dogs are sick They will show it through external behavior Oh, today to talk about the 10 manifestations of dog disease, the shoveler still has to find out in time, so as not to miss the best treatment time.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

When the dog suddenly drools a lot or the mouth is very smelly, you should pay more attention, it may be that the dog eats a foreign body, mouth ulcers, etc., the worst case may be the dog leukemia.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

Vomiting is also one of the manifestations of dog illness, if the dog spirit can, is to eat too urgent or eat too much in the case of vomiting, do not worry too much; but if the dog continues to vomit, pay attention, immediately take the dog to the doctor Oh.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

If there is a problem with the urinary system of the male dog, the shoveler must pay attention to it!

If the dog has urinary frequency and urgency, or even urinary incontinence, etc., there may be urinary tract infection, cystitis, pyelonephritis or other health problems, the dog should be taken to seek medical treatment immediately, and the vaccine delays the disease.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

Dog spirit is not strong, is a precursor to many diseases, if the dog is always unable to lift the spirit, slow response, personality changes, shoveling officer should pay special attention to good, as well as pay attention to observe whether there are other symptoms, take the dog to the doctor and narrate.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

If the dog is short of breath, has difficulty breathing, and coughs and sneezes frequently, it is very likely that there is a problem with the respiratory tract.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

When the dog sleeps, if you open its eyelids, you can see that there is a white membrane attached to the eyeball, which is called the third eyelid. When a dog has a fever or is severely weak, a third eyelid is exposed

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

Under normal circumstances, the dog's nose is cool and wet, out of the dog just woke up, the dog's nose is dry and hot, even has been dry and cracked, there is no doubt, the dog is sick, it is likely to be a fever.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

Similar to constipation, diarrhea belongs to the dog's excretion problems, if the dog occasionally constipation, feeding probiotics conditioning, if there are symptoms of constipation for a long time, then it is necessary to check whether the cat has megacolonism.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

When the dog does not dare to touch the ground or is limping on all fours, it may be a thorn in the foot if it is slight, or a fracture in severe cases.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

Dogs are very hungry and want to eat everything, but if the dog suddenly loses interest in food one day, and does not even want to eat his favorite snack, the shoveler should pay attention to observation to see if the dog's body is abnormal, and if it is really wrong, take it to the doctor.

If the dog is just a simple picky eater, the shoveler still has to help the dog correct it, if the dog is tired of eating a dog food for a long time, you can change the dog for a palatable dog food feeding, which can improve the dog's appetite.

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

Conclusion: How much do you know about the symptoms of a dog getting sick?

10 manifestations of a dog getting sick, don't miss the best time for treatment

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