
Manchester United 19 people confirmed! Another game was postponed, and the Premier League resumed the shutdown crisis?

In the early hours of Thursday morning, another Premier League match was postponed, and 19 confirmed cases were exposed in Manchester United. The epidemic seems to be intensifying, and people can't help but wonder: Will the Premier League be shut down again?

Manchester United 19 people confirmed! Another game was postponed, and the Premier League resumed the shutdown crisis?

Burnley's home match against Watford was supposed to take place at 3:30 Beijing time today, but less than 3 hours before the start of the match, the Premier League officially announced that the game was postponed due to the outbreak of an outbreak within the Hornets team.

This is already the second game that has been postponed in the 17th round of the Premier League. The match between Manchester United and Brentford in the early morning of yesterday was also cancelled due to the outbreak in manchester United and another match was chosen. According to the British media, 19 people inside the Red Devils have been diagnosed and are being quarantined, but not all of them are first-team personnel.

In the previous round, The match between Tottenham and Brighton was also postponed due to the epidemic, and the shadow once again hung over the Premier League. However, the Premier League was reluctant to postpone the game less than a last resort, and Leicester City's request to postpone the match against Tottenham was rejected, and according to the regulations, as long as there are 14 players who play, the game can be played.

Manchester United 19 people confirmed! Another game was postponed, and the Premier League resumed the shutdown crisis?

Last week, the Premier League tested positive for 42 cases, the highest weekly record since the outbreak of the epidemic, and many people expressed concern about it. Klopp believes that the number of players confirmed should be announced to the outside world, and Conte said: "There is no doubt that this is a big problem for us. The way the virus affects the body, we must attach great importance to it. ”

Rogers warned: "There will be more players missing games and more games being cancelled. For a club like ours, it can be very difficult without squad depth. ”

Manchester United 19 people confirmed! Another game was postponed, and the Premier League resumed the shutdown crisis?

If the epidemic intensifies, will the Premier League fall into a shutdown again? From an economic point of view, this is an unbearable weight. So there are British media appeals that the Premier League should introduce a complete winter break to see if it can avoid the days when the epidemic may be the most serious.

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