
West Slope: Chicken and duck blood soup

To this day, people still have a bit of a "mouth-to-mouth" preference for blood, the most common of which is chicken and duck blood soup.

West Slope: Chicken and duck blood soup

In the primitive mind of human beings, blood is a symbol of the gods and life. Before that, the ancestors ate the blood of animals, completely out of the physiological need of "hunger is to eat, to feed the rest". Therefore, in the Book of Rites and Fortunes, it is said: "The kings of the past... There is no cremation, eating the fruit of grass and wood, the flesh of birds and beasts, drinking their blood, and russing their hair. ”

Drinking rumao's blood as a barbaric act and cutting it off is one of the important signs of human beings entering civilized society.

Nevertheless, for thousands of years, people's worship and taboo of blood have been inherited to varying degrees, consciously or unconsciously infiltrating daily behavior.

I don't know how many people were surprised by the "blood for the alliance", nor how many people expressed discomfort with Yue Wumu's "laughing and talking about thirst and drinking The blood of the Xiongnu", anyway, in the dining, people have both a resistant side and an approval side to blood. In Old Testament Genesis chapter 9 verse 4, Adam and Eve are warned, "Only living flesh cannot be eaten, that is, blood." Newton was a devout Christian who resolutely refrained from eating "blood sausages"; many more people disagreed and actively participated in the "blood sausage debate" that took place in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries. To this day, there is still no shortage of people in the West who respect the "blood sausage".

Ancient Chinese had the idea of "raising blood (human blood) with blood (animal blood)", which is surprisingly consistent with the thinking of some tribes in Africa today. But Chinese after all, it was civilized early, and there was enough understanding of the nutritional value of animal blood in theory, for example, chicken blood can "cure heart and blood withering, liver fire, joints, and meridians" ("Materia Medica"), said duck blood can "replenish blood and detoxify, labor and vomit blood, and mix hot wine" ("Benjing Fengyuan"). Yuan Ming said in the "Suiyuan Food List": "Take chicken blood as a strip, add chicken soup, sauce, vinegar, fiber powder as a soup, suitable for the elderly." "Praising chicken blood for its delicious taste has not forgotten its therapeutic function, which is rarely considered by Westerners of the same era."

Of course, that's all the old yellow calendar.

Nowadays, as long as we look at the lives of the people around us, it is not difficult to find that people still have a bit of a "mouth-water" preference for blood: Westerners eat "blood duck" and steak, with bloody water as the best realm; Chinese eat white chopped chicken and blood clams, with blood as the best product. Among them, the most accustomed and strange is the chicken and duck blood soup.

I don't know if the so-called "chicken and duck blood soup" is a chicken blood single product or a duck blood single product, or a "mixed blood" between chicken blood and duck blood? Perhaps, a chef who specializes in smearing chicken and duck head and neck or professional cooking can distinguish. Although people my age have more or less stained their hands with chicken and duck blood, to be honest, my understanding of "chicken and duck blood" is completely layman.'

"Chicken to duck" is said to speak without a common language between each other and unable to communicate. Obviously, chickens and ducks are endowed with the qualities of "two worlds" that do not blend in with each other. If it is confirmed that chicken and duck blood soup is the product of the cooperation between chicken blood and duck blood, then they can be regarded as a real "friendship condensed in blood". When I think of this stem, people with hard hearts go to eat chicken and duck blood soup, I am afraid that they are not calm.

In fact, it is not uncommon to cook a dish with chicken and duck blood as an ingredient, the most famous of which is Mao Blood Wang. However, made into snacks, at least people in the Jiangnan area, the first reaction in their minds must be chicken and duck blood soup.

Unless you never understand the function of chicken and duck blood soup - it is only made with raw fried steamed buns, small steamed buns, three cold noodles or other dry snacks, which one will only order a bowl of chicken and duck blood soup to swallow slowly?

Nowadays, more and more chicken and duck blood soups are added to the accessories, such as fine powder, dried shrimp, seaweed, egg skin, oil tofu... It seems that this is not enough to show the thick undertones. However, this is very wrong.

West Slope: Chicken and duck blood soup

Authentic chicken and duck blood soup is dotted with a very small amount of intestines, liver, gizzards, etc., while prompting richness while also indicating the standard of formatting, just like a man wearing a ring on one finger can convey information about love or marital status, while ten fingers wearing a ring can only be a public announcement that he is ready to fight with others. Chicken and duck blood soup with "Kotatsu light taste" does not have to and cannot be "full of rings".

Although it does not refuse to float some oil on the surface, the chicken and duck blood soup certainly does not want to muddy the soup, because it gives people a refreshing and refreshing feeling of looking at the end, which is the most prominent quality that is different from other dishes made of blood. And the infusion of starchy or fatty ingredients is precisely the enemy of this good quality.

Pepper and green onions are not dispensable for chicken and duck blood soup. You can be stingy with the input of chicken and duck blood, but you must not forget to put green onions. Chicken and duck blood soup with green onions is as invigorating as a bettor who pays nothing in return suddenly; the indispensable pepper, the suspicion that a highly myopic person wears glasses and can see the stars in the sky from then on.

According to the famous writer Shen Jialu' brother, in 1973, Prince Sihanouk of Cambodia visited the Shanghai City God Temple. In order to give him a taste of the top chicken and duck blood soup, the South City Food Company dispatched the best chefs to operate. They went south three times, looking for the best local grass chickens, and then killed 108 chickens to find the eggs they wanted (like eggs the size of soybeans attached to the intestines of chickens). Huang Chengcheng's chicken eggs, with jade white chicken intestines, crimson blood soup, color and fragrance, invincible. The prince was full of praise, and drank a bowl that was not enough, and drank another bowl...

I don't think chicken eggs are important to chicken and duck blood soup at all, but I care about whether chicken blood and duck blood also pay attention to blood type, A type, B type, AB type, or O type. If I, a person with type O blood, eats too much type O chicken and duck blood, will he become overly enthusiastic like a chicken blood? (West Slope)

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