
LOLWBG officially announced the departure of Single Bin, hoping that Bin can always start from his dream

The winter transition period, which has attracted much attention from all walks of life, has ended. This week, the LPL team will announce new lineups for the 2022 season. On the afternoon of December 14, former SN team officials, renamed WBG, announced that Bin team members would leave the team. Last week, on the 11th, WBG's updated Weibo image was consistent with the mask design on TheShy's personal Weibo on the former iG. WBG。 The reason should be certain.

LOLWBG officially announced the departure of Single Bin, hoping that Bin can always start from his dream

WBG League of Legends Department Personnel Change Announcement:

Romer (ID: WBG.Bin), a singles player in the League of Legends Chapter of WBG Esports Club, reached a consensus with the WBG League of Legends Chapter and WBG after in-depth communication and consultation during the transfer. From now on, Bing will officially leave the team.

I've heard that the word "youth" should be against mediocrity. Since its debut in 2019, Bin has carved countless highlight markers in two cold and summer calling canyons. Whether it's a roaring fire or an unparalleled blade, it chronicles Bin's transformation from youth, convergence to loneliness, from heart to stage to the cheers of thousands of people.

Finally, I hope Bin can always start with his dream, be true to his dream, and walk on top of the world

Mountains and peaks, facing the wind, striding forward.

WBG League of Legends Division

December 14, 2021

On December 11, the official blog of WBG updated the news, the content is "the future is very long"

LOLWBG officially announced the departure of Single Bin, hoping that Bin can always start from his dream

"Hand in hand" seems to mean that new players will join next year. An attentive fan discovered that TheShy's personal Weibo post on the former iG showed off his own mask pattern in October last year. This pattern is exactly in line with WBG's description of Weibo. TheShy seems to only need to announce its membership in WBG.

Before WBG announced Bin's departure, the RNG team announced The return of Xiaohu to the Middle East. Combined with information inadvertently revealed by commentators during last week's All-Star Weekend at the LPL, Bin may join RNG to form the "Best All-China Class." Finally, if Bin's transfer news is true, RNG's squad for the new season is as follows:

Order: Bin

Hito: Wei

Zhongdan: Xiaohu

LOLWBG officially announced the departure of Single Bin, hoping that Bin can always start from his dream

What do you think is the upper limit of this lineup? Bin finished runner-up in the S10 Global Finals and Sherlock Scott at this year's LPL All-Star Weekend. SOLO and KING two honors, can he successfully integrate into RNG and reconnect with the Mid Tigers? Can he lead the team to the Sword Finals and MSI Season Tournament again next year?

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