
Curry: Can't wait to go back and celebrate with Clay that the Splash Brothers are about to get together

Curry: Can't wait to go back and celebrate with Clay that the Splash Brothers are about to get together

Live Bar December 15, 2015 Today, Warriors star Curry was officially crowned the NBA's all-time three-pointer in the game against the Knicks.

After the game, Curry said in an interview with the media: "Although I haven't checked my phone yet, it has been ringing in my pocket and I have received a lot of blessings from friends.

His (Clay) jersey hangs right next to my locker, and it would have been a lot of fun to go back and celebrate with him. Obviously, we are also about to celebrate his return. Now I'm playing for the Splash Brothers, and we're going to get together soon."

(Shrimp Catcher)

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