
The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis

The Second World War is arguably the most painful wound in recent human history, in which thousands of people died. But with the victory of the righteous side, in order to punish the fanatics who started the war, people opened separate international tribunals to settle the crimes of these people. Germany was the most thoroughly anti-Nazi, with the new government composed of anti-Nazis and laws to hold Nazis accountable for crimes committed in the war, which also played an active role in Germany's post-war reconstruction. 12 Boys, because of their admiration for Hitler, built a pocket "small country" after World War II in an attempt to restore the Nazis.

The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis

Although World War II was a global war, there were still areas that were free from the ravages of war, and this region is today's South America. And because of the unique colonial culture of South America, they generally sympathized with Nazi Germany and also had a good feeling for German Nazis.

And on the eve of World War II, Argentina, Chile and other countries in South America have received hundreds of thousands of German immigrants, including many high-end talents in education, culture and military, and this group of people has also been deeply impressed by local politics. In fact, we have to admit that in the short few decades after the end of the First World War, Germany was able to develop from a declining empire to a first-class military power, which has to be admired. Although they used unclean tactics in their military expansion, such as looting Jewish property, they caught other military powers off guard.

The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis

Perhaps it was the influx of German immigrants that led to a large number of Nazi fans in South America. For example, in the Argentine military junta, which came to power through a military coup in 1943, many young officers were loyal fans of Hitler. And after the end of World War II, south American countries also provided various ways of sheltering the German Nazis.

According to incomplete statistics, South America accepted about 200,000 Nazi Party members after the end of World War II, and Argentina and Chile were the main countries harboring Nazis. And these two countries have carried out a certain degree of economic and military reform for their own economy and military by accepting the technology and funds brought by the Nazis.

The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis

But the Nazis were wanted all over the world, and these Nazis who fled to South America lived in anonymity in order to avoid wanted people and lived a very low-key life. But there was a man named Paul Schaefer who not only acted in high-profile worship of the Nazis, but also established a pocket state in Chile in an attempt to rebuild Nazi Germany.

Historically, when the Nazis seized power in Germany, Paul Schaefer was only a 12-year-old child. Because he admired Hitler very much in his heart, he resolutely decided to fight for the Nazi Party, but in the end he was rejected because of a one-eyed disease, and finally had to apply for medical soldiers, and at the end of the war, Paul Schaefer and obtained the rank of corporal and actively joined the Hitler Youth to continue to serve the Nazi "cause".

The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis

After the war, Paul Schaefer fled to Chile to seek refuge in order to escape justice. Due to Chile's connivance with the Nazis, coupled with Paul Schaefer's fanatical Nazi complex, Paul Schaefer eventually bought a 137 square kilometer farm on the outskirts of the Chilean city of Paral, and used this farm as the core to start his own Nazi restoration plan. He first used his Nazi ideas to build the farm into a miniature state, and then spread this idea to more places to achieve the purpose of Nazi restoration. He named the miniature state 'Colony of Dignity', which meant to keep Nazi dignity alive.

The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis

On the surface, this micro-country has complete facilities, such as hospitals and schools, and the people in the country live in harmony. But the truth is that there are only more than 300 German immigrants in it, and everyone's life is severely constrained, even marriage and love are strictly controlled, and nothing can be done without permission. In Paul Schaefer's small country, many Members of the Nazis served here, such as the famous Nazi Angel of Death, Dr. Geller.

Moreover, Fisher also took the opportunity to stockpile a large number of weapons and ammunition, even main battle tanks, the inhabitants of which also had to undergo strict military training, and numerous bunkers and observation decks were built around the colony, as well as military airfields and other facilities. Although we have no way of knowing exactly what cooperation was between this miniature version of Nazi Germany and Chile.

The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis

But in the military coup of the 1973s, Schaefer had close ties with the junta chief Pinochet, who held hundreds of prisoners specifically for him, and these prisoners never appeared again after entering the colony, and disappeared from sight.

The Pinolt junta was overthrown in 1997, and Schaefer ushered in its own end. After the fall of the junta, the Nazi state of Schaefer was outlawed, and Schaefer was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2005 and eventually died in prison after five years in prison. The 12-year-old boy, who idolized Hitler, built a "small country" after World War II and continued to serve the Nazis.

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