
Sichuan Liangshan writer Ak Jiuzhao: Liangshan and Yi culture have given me inspiration to produce fine works for the people

Cover reporter Xiao Yang Xi Qinling trainee reporter Zhou Yi

On the morning of December 14, the 10th National Congress of the Chinese Writers Association opened in Beijing, and a total of 33 writers from the Sichuan delegation went to Beijing to attend the meeting, including Ak Jiushe, a writer from Zhaojue County, Liangshan Prefecture, as one of the delegates. In the afternoon of the same day, representatives from various localities held group discussions in various local hotels, and the Sichuan delegation and the Xinjiang delegation gathered together.

Speaking of this meeting, Akho shot a deep feeling. He said that liangshan has undergone earth-shaking changes in the economy and society due to the implementation of poverty alleviation and precise poverty alleviation policies, and such social changes and the profound history and culture of the Yi nationality have provided him with a rich source of creation for his literary creation. As a contemporary Yi writer, he said that he will further work hard, with affection and hard work, to create excellent literary works, to erect monuments for the people, and to give back to the people.

As a Liangshan Zhaojue person, as a writer who came out of Liangshan Zhaojue, Akko shot his observations of local society, life and culture in detail. As the first journalist to enter the "Cliff Village" and a local writer in Liangshan Prefecture, since 2013, he has collected relevant materials and begun to write about the "Cliff Village". Over the years, he has entered the "cliff village" dozens of times, talked to hundreds of people, and witnessed the changes of the "cliff village".

Sichuan Liangshan writer Ak Jiuzhao: Liangshan and Yi culture have given me inspiration to produce fine works for the people

In February 2013, Akko shot an interview in the cliff village

Akko said he first learned about the "cliff village" in 2010, and learned from others that the village had to climb multiple rattan ladders to reach. In 2013, he walked into the "Cliff Village" for the first time, a village with layers of mountains that narrow the sky. Villagers travel through cliffs with an 800-meter drop difference and step through 12 sections of 218-step rattan ladders. For many years, people grew corn and potatoes, lived in near isolation from monkeys, wild boars, and black bears.

Although Murakami is rich in products, living on top of the "natural danger", the inconvenience caused by the environment still makes the villagers lose their imagination of life. "Everyone lives here for a long time and doesn't believe it will change."

In 2019, in the form of reportage, he wrote the past and present lives of this village into a realistic theme work "Cliff Village". The work cuts from the small perspective of the Yi family cottage, vividly reflecting the arduousness and complexity of the poverty alleviation in the Yi district, as well as the solemn commitment of a nation, a family, and a person to win the victory in building a well-off society in an all-round way.

In the book, there is Chen Guji, a villager who has raised five children, Haige of Russia who expects his son to go to school safely, Laige of Russia who has joined the army and returned to the village, and a young man who hopes to have a way out...

In the book, the changes in the "cliff village" are recorded one by one, in January 2016, the village set up a professional cooperative for goat breeding; in November 2016, the full coverage project of the 12 sections of the old rattan ladder steel ladder into the village was completed, the rattan ladder became history, the 4G network base station in the village was also completed, and at the Midwest International Expo, Zhaojue County also signed an agreement with the development company to cooperate in the development of the cliff village - Gurilada Canyon; in 2017, the construction and upgrading of the power grid in the village was completed; in September 2017, the village successfully introduced olive oil At the same time, the olive industry development co., LTD. was also established...

In May 2020, 84 poor households in the "Cliff Village" walked down the steel ladder and went up the stairs, moved into new houses in the city through poverty alleviation and relocation, and the conditions of medical care and education have been greatly changed. Today's "cliff village" has changed greatly, the villagers have improved the economic conditions through the breeding of special species, and everyone has introduced their villages through online live broadcasts and sent agricultural products to the whole country. At the same time, the village has also become a new tourist punch card, during the National Day tourists are weaving, even if you buy some fried potatoes under the mountain, merchants can earn thousands of yuan a day.

In Akoko's view, the significance of "Cliff Village" is that it conveys a message: no matter how difficult the conditions are, governments at all levels and the vast number of cadres and masses can overcome difficulties together and go to a better life together.

Since the beginning of the bilingual creation of Yi and Han in 1995, Akoko has made great achievements in his pen and pen, and has written a long novel "Love in the Mist", a reportage "Cliff Village", a collection of essays "Flipping through the Footnotes of Life", "Warm Fire Pond", and a long poem "The Language of Snow".

Sichuan Liangshan writer Ak Jiuzhao: Liangshan and Yi culture have given me inspiration to produce fine works for the people

Ak dove shooting work photos

Among them, the novel "Love in the Mist" won the Fifth Sichuan Ethnic Minority Literature Award, the reportage "Cliff Village" was selected as the "Good Book of China" in 2019, won the 15th Sichuan Provincial Spiritual Civilization Construction "Five One Project" Excellent Work Award, the 12th Ethnic Minority Literature Creation Horse Award, the 8th Xu Chi Reportage Award, etc., the prose collection "Warm Fire Pond" and the long poem "Snow Language" were listed as key support works for ethnic minorities by the Chinese Writers Association.

Speaking of creation, Akoko said frankly that as a contemporary Yi writer, on the one hand, he must go in the same direction and advance together with the new era; on the other hand, he must proceed from the field and field of national literature that he is familiar with, go deeper into the grassroots, understand the people, listen to the people's voices, care about the people's sufferings, perceive the people's joys and sorrows, understand more about the ever-changing life, understand more about the people's bitterness, sweetness, bitterness, and bitterness, and listen, think, and write carefully.

In his view, in order to achieve the above goals, it is necessary to think about the people from the overall point of view, express the people from the specific points, and even more to learn from the classic literary and artistic works and traditional culture; it is necessary to deeply root in the Yi culture of Daliangshan, go deep into life, study life, take the initiative to integrate ourselves into the masses of the people, imprint with the hearts of the people, communicate with real life, and dig deep into the essence that meets the requirements of the times; it is even more necessary to use rich means to display art, and extensively accumulate materials to refine inspiration. It is necessary to consciously undertake the heavy responsibility of seeking the roots of the pious culture, firm, adhere to, and inherit, but also emancipate the mind, break through the shackles, get out of the restrictions of the region and the nation, and actively respond to the people's expectations for a better life.

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