
A family of three children infected with pneumonia at the same time! It was caused by the humidifier being used overnight!

Recently the weather has not been so cold

But it was still very dry

Xiaobian now at night

All have to turn on the humidifier to sleep

If not

The next day you will feel that the nose and throat are very uncomfortable

But today I saw news reports

Three children in Hebei who contracted pneumonia were admitted to the hospital

The reason was that the humidifier was used overnight

Less than a night after the humidifier was opened, I contracted pneumonia

Recently, netizens in Handan, Hebei Province, broke the news

Three children in his family because of the use of humidifiers

He was admitted to the hospital for bronchitis and pneumonia

The parties said that the three children were fine during the day

Suddenly difficulty breathing in the middle of the night,

Vomiting, headache, high fever

After the family rushed them to the hospital

The doctor diagnosed that the humidifier was prescribed

The doctor said that if the humidifier is not cleaned

Harmful substances are atomized by the humidifier

It was beaten to pieces

I couldn't suck it into my lungs

After being "polished", it becomes more delicate

It is better to absorb and more likely to get pneumonia

Humidifiers turned out to be "health killers"?

As early as the beginning of the year, Hubei also had ladies

Because of the use of humidifiers, I suffered from "Aspergillus pneumonia"

So people call this situation

"Humidifier pneumonia"

A family of three children infected with pneumonia at the same time! It was caused by the humidifier being used overnight!

Humidifier pneumonia

It is a microorganism contaminated by a humidifier

Allergic pneumonia caused by inhalation of the respiratory tract

This allergic pneumonia

As we often call bacterial pneumonia

There is also a difference between viral pneumonia

If you have a fever or cough

Even chest tightness shortness of breath this condition

Humidifier pneumonia may occur

Come to the hospital in time

Do not use a humidifier, after leaving the environment

Most patients with humidifier pneumonia can get better on their own

Of course, for patients with pneumonia who are more severe

There are also drugs that can be treated, and there is no need to worry too much

A family of three children infected with pneumonia at the same time! It was caused by the humidifier being used overnight!

Humidifier pneumonia is due to many people after using a humidifier

It was simply shelved and the machine was not cleaned

A large amount of water will grow moldy after a long time

When used again, bacteria and even mold will follow the fog out

Inhalation into the lungs of the person

Humidifiers commonly found on the market

It is mainly divided into two main categories

They are cold evaporation type and ultrasonic atomization humidifier

Expert comparison points out that cold evaporative humidifiers

Water spreads into the air in a gaseous form

As a result, impurities and bacteria in the water are not released

But if the sink is not cleaned in time

Deposited impurities are prone to fouling

Bacteria such as microorganisms may also breed odor

And ultrasonic atomizing humidifiers

If the water contains impurities or bacteria

May follow water mist into the air

Therefore, the water quality requirements are high

Due to the high humidification efficiency and simple product structure, etc

At present, most of the household is ultrasonic atomization humidifier

How to use the humidifier correctly?

A dry hygrometer can be purchased

Ensure that the relative humidity of the home is 45%-65%.

Also be careful not to leave the humidifier on for 24 hours

Being too wet is also bad for the body

On the other hand, the humidifier must be cleaned

Keep the machine dry when not in use

Do not use the water of the humidifier every other day

It is easy to breed bacteria

When the humidifier is placed for a few days and then used again

Remember to wash before use

Those who have infants and young children at home should pay special attention to this problem

A family of three children infected with pneumonia at the same time! It was caused by the humidifier being used overnight!


Humidifier blades, atomizers, pipes and nozzles

will become a "hotbed" for bacteria

Do not neglect these places when cleaning

Although the humidifier uses pure water

However, you also need to pay attention to cleaning problems

Water also has a shelf life

Purified water comes into contact with the outside world after opening

The air is full of bacteria, viruses, and fungi

The water will gradually deteriorate and breed bacteria

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