
Sony gave Dutch brother PS5 to play the Spider-Man game Spider-Man game Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return added to the game action

According to lead actor Tom Holland, some of the actions in the upcoming Spider-Man: Homeless movie refer to the PS game Marvel Spider-Man.

Sony gave Dutch brother PS5 to play the Spider-Man game Spider-Man game Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return added to the game action

In an interview with Extraordinerd, Holland revealed that during filming, Sony gave him a PS5 so he could play the Marvel Spider-Man game, which he said was "fantastic." Asked if the game would have a direct impact on Spider-Man: Homeless, Hollander said he knew there was a Spider-Man action in the game and added it to the upcoming movie.

Holland said: "I think this game is great. It's interesting. It was amazing to swing around the city. But I don't think it's really – actually Spider-Man did an action in the game and we did it in the movie, which was really cool. ”

Sony gave Dutch brother PS5 to play the Spider-Man game Spider-Man game Spider-Man: Heroes Of No Return added to the game action

In contrast, Spider-Man: Homeless has already had an impact on marvel Spider-Man games, with two new Spider-Man suits based on Spider-Man: Homeless being released on PS5.

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