
An old man in Jilin called himself Puyi's son and took out the evidence, and the experts present cried and laughed

Puyi must be no stranger to everyone, he is the last emperor of China, one of the twelve emperors of the Qing Dynasty. In the late Qing Dynasty, the Qing court has been in turmoil, only 2 years old Puyi was carried into the palace to raise, and later ascended to the throne, but abdicated in 1912, the old era is gone, he thought of restoring the Qing Dynasty's wish was not realized, and finally became an ordinary commoner, married and did not have children.

An old man in Jilin called himself Puyi's son and took out the evidence, and the experts present cried and laughed

According to many sources, Puyi does not have fertility, he has been married many times in his life, married 5 women, but not a single offspring has been left. As for why this is so, some old people in the Qing Palace said that Puyi did not pay attention to the maintenance of the body when he was a teenager, and some people said that it was caused by congenitality, and some heredity in the Ai XinJue Luo family caused this result.

However, these claims are semi-speculative and do not have very reliable and comprehensive evidence. However, from Puyi's own records and his experience before his death, it is more likely that there is a hidden disease in his body, after all, wanrong, Wenxiu, Tan Yuling, Li Yuqin, Li Shuxian, these women can not get pregnant, and as the last empress, Guo Buluo Wanrong, it is rumored that she had given birth.

An old man in Jilin called himself Puyi's son and took out the evidence, and the experts present cried and laughed

With the loss of aisin Jueluo's noble status, the former Manchu nobles also changed their surnames. Many people who love the Xinjue Luo clan have changed to the Han surname, because the manchu word means gold, and precious gold is also a symbol of former royal status, so they have changed to the surname of Jin and continue to live in the northeast, which makes some people with the surname of Jin have ideas.

Since about 1980, an old man surnamed Jin has appeared in front of everyone, he lives in the Jilin area, and his full name is Jin Yuqing. At first, Jin Yuqing only often chatted with his neighbors and inadvertently mentioned that his family was extraordinary. At first, people only talked big when he was talking, but didn't take it seriously, who knew that Jin Yuqing saw that the crowd didn't believe what he said, but instead came to the momentum.

An old man in Jilin called himself Puyi's son and took out the evidence, and the experts present cried and laughed

He told everyone that he kept important items of the Qing Dynasty royal family, which could be used as evidence of his lineage. Someone asked him what his life looked like, and Jin Yuqing replied: I am Puyi's son. In order to make people believe this, Kim Yu-kyung began to look for relevant historians, hoping to get official certification. So the question is, is it possible for Puyi to leave offspring?

At that time, Jin Yuqing's age was around 60 years old, comparing Puyi's age of marriage: Puyi was married in early 1922, first married Wenxiu, and then married Wanrong, this year he was 16 years old. If Puyi lived to the 80s, his age should be more than 70 years old, that is to say, if Jin Yuqing is really Puyi's descendant, Puyi has children in his teens.

An old man in Jilin called himself Puyi's son and took out the evidence, and the experts present cried and laughed

At that time, Puyi snubbed WenXiu and had a fair attitude towards Wanrong. Jin Yuqing insisted that he was wanrong's child, because wanrong had given birth that year, and in order to protect him, his mother sent someone to quietly send him away, live in someone else's house, and never see each other again. Because Jin Yuqing said something the same, some historians also began to doubt the truth and visited Jin Yuqing.

An old man in Jilin called himself Puyi's son and took out the evidence, and the experts present cried and laughed

They suggested that Jin Yuqing could prove his identity if he could produce definite evidence. Jin Yuqing rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, and finally found the legendary evidence, and the experts present cried and laughed when they saw it, it was a very clumsy "Qing Dynasty Seal", and at a glance, they knew that they had searched from unknown corners. This oolong incident ended here, which only proved that Puyi was indeed childless.

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