
Curry Effect! Warriors vs Knicks tickets sold out, Green: He'll overtake Ray Allen by 1,000 three-pointers

On December 14, Beijing time, the Warriors narrowly defeated the Pacers 102-100, Curry played in the whole game in 35 minutes, 20 shots, 8 of 20 shots, 5 of 3 points, 5 of 15 three-pointers, 26 points, 6 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 block and 1 steal, hit 5 three-pointers in the whole game, only 2 three-pointers away from surpassing Ray Allen (2973 three-pointers), and most likely will break the record in Madison Garden Square, thus officially crowning the three-point king in history.

Curry Effect! Warriors vs Knicks tickets sold out, Green: He'll overtake Ray Allen by 1,000 three-pointers
Curry Effect! Warriors vs Knicks tickets sold out, Green: He'll overtake Ray Allen by 1,000 three-pointers

After the gap between Curry and Ray Allen was determined, tomorrow's Warriors vs Knicks live tickets were still left, and they were almost quickly swept away in a short period of time, and the lowest ticket price for this game was as high as $405, equivalent to 2577 yuan. The Knicks' home game against the Pistons ticket, the highest ticket price is only 298 US dollars, equivalent to 1896 yuan.

This is the Curry effect, and there is no doubt that tomorrow the Madison Gardens In New York will be full, the stadium will be full, and they all want to witness Curry's record-breaking moments.

Curry Effect! Warriors vs Knicks tickets sold out, Green: He'll overtake Ray Allen by 1,000 three-pointers
Curry Effect! Warriors vs Knicks tickets sold out, Green: He'll overtake Ray Allen by 1,000 three-pointers

Talking about being crowned the all-time three-pointer after the game, Curry said I was lucky, I knew I had put in the effort for it, and it was always coming.

So how many goals can Curry surpass Allen in his career three-point total? Green said that as long as Curry scores two more three-pointers, even if the record is turned over, I will be very happy, and I think Curry will score a thousand more three-pointers than Allen, so I will be very happy.

Curry Effect! Warriors vs Knicks tickets sold out, Green: He'll overtake Ray Allen by 1,000 three-pointers
Curry Effect! Warriors vs Knicks tickets sold out, Green: He'll overtake Ray Allen by 1,000 three-pointers

At present, Curry's three-point shooting has reached 2972, surpassing Ray Allen has no suspense, and this season is expected to become the first player in history to shoot 3,000 three-pointers, according to Green, Curry will score 1,000 more three-pointers than Ray Allen, and at the end of his career, Curry may break through the 4,000 three-point mark.

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