
Dream Chasing: I'll be very happy after Curry breaks the record and he'll score a thousand more three-pointers than Allen

Dream Chasing: I'll be very happy after Curry breaks the record and he'll score a thousand more three-pointers than Allen

Live Bar December 14, the Warriors reversed today's victory over the Pacers, after this game, Curry is 1 goal left from Ray Allen's all-time three-point record to tie and 2 goals to surpass.

After the game, Chao Meng also talked about the matter, saying: "Even if you think 'I can't pass every ball to Curry' before the game, but when you play, you still want to pass every ball to him. When it's over, I'll be very happy. And I think Curry will make a thousand more three-pointers than Allen, so I'll be happy. ”

'In the last few games, we've faced a defensive position because we've fouled and made too many mistakes, so there's no chance of conversion. Dream chaser said.

(Steve Galen)

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