
President of Turin: Not considering the sale of Bremer Pobega is a strong player

President of Turin: Not considering the sale of Bremer Pobega is a strong player

Live Bar Dec. 14 -- Over the past few weeks, bremer and Pobega's names have been repeatedly mentioned in newspapers, with multiple sources saying Milan are interested in the Brazilian defender.

In an interview with reporters, Turin president Cario spoke about the rumors about Bremer and Poberga: "The transfer market is far from us. We're still thinking about it, we haven't talked to Milan or anybody yet. Right now, we're not considering selling Bremer. Pobelga is on loan to us and he's a strong player and does a really good job. ”

"We'll talk about it in due course, and now is definitely not the time to talk about it."

(Electronic Sheep)

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