
I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

This year's KPL Fall Tournament is nearing its end.

Every year, the KPL will have rookies rising, and this time there is no exception to a dark horse team - XYG.

This team is slightly different from other teams.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

It was formed by Zhang Daxian, the super popular anchor of King Glory, and most people know it because of Daxian. However, after a few games in the autumn game, there are still many spectators and players who like this team because of the performance of the players.

The XYG Club was created for a short time, just one year.

At this time last year, the team was still playing the national competition, but in just one year, they went from the national championship to the K first runner-up, and this year they won the temporary seat in the autumn competition, and beat Shenzhen DYG to enter the final six, and also qualified for the next challenge.

It's safe to say that it was the biggest surprise of the year.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

The "professional dream" of team boss Zhang Daxian has also gradually come true.

The king player should more or less know the name Zhang Daxian.

As a brother of the glory of the king, he not only loves this game, but also has made it his dream to enter the professional arena. However, because of his old age, he is always a little worse than the operation of the newcomer players, and he has not been able to realize his dream.

So he changed his approach, since he could not realize his dream, it was valuable to form a team to enter the KPL. However, with no sponsors in the air, XYG's path is more difficult than imagined.

Fortunately, the Great Immortal also had his own advantages.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

Unlike other teams, Zhang Daxian does not have the black material of ES boss, and it is also different from AG boss Fifi.

He knows more about the glory of the king, he only expresses his opinions and does not interfere with the decisions of the management, supports each team player in all aspects, and the game reward is not soft, and he teaches his own understanding of the game.

Perhaps, this is also part of XYG's success.

This year, it was the best year they had ever seen, and the results were "unexpected" for everyone.

As a new team, XYG's performance is worthy of praise.

The overall team cooperates with tacit understanding, trusts each other, and makes decisive decisions. Whether it is the momentum of the group, or the pull, it can be worthy of the level of the S group, and it is difficult to believe that they are the team playing the KPL for the first time.

But or eat the loss of the newcomer's inexperience, all the way is also stumbling forward, from group B to group A and then into group S, almost every team has met, can be regarded as the most gold-containing newcomer team.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

The players are also equally capable of carrying.

The most impressive and improving player is September. Now that it can be called the new wild king, lan mirror and other wild nuclear heroes will have a lot of highlight scenes once they get their hands on it, which can make teammates experience the feeling of being taken away, which is somewhat similar to the early morning of the spring game.

In the latest game against DYG, the mirror details were transposed out of the circle to directly win three heads, gradually widening the economic gap, and Wu won a point again. Even in the case of the last game being played by the opposite ban, you can also take Han Xin's old wild appearance, although there is not too much eye-catching operation, and it will never pull the crotch, which shows the depth of its hero pool.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

September is only 18 years old, the future is full of possibilities, and it has been in a state of progress.

He also idolized many of his predecessors, such as Chu Chen and Hua Hai. In an interview, it was mentioned that I wanted to fight with Chu Chen once, but my wish was not realized, and Chu Chen was also the first in Weibo attention.

The two hero pools are very similar, both are a little more inclined to the wild core, but it is really a little darker than the early morning of the spring game.

Can't reach the first lan of the KPL, Luna is not at the level of playing a list, but it is still bright and outstanding, but from the perspective of the recent state of the two, it is a bit different.

In the early morning, this season's mirror is zero win rate, I don't know if it can be supported, it is also a pity that the former wild area demon king fell to this point, maybe until the day of the alignment, will there be a situation where the river back wave pushes the front wave.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

The other is a player who has always been very eye-catching, XiuDou.

He is a big fan of boss Zhang Daxian and has been watching live broadcasts since he was 14 years old. I heard that the name Xiudou is also because he likes to be called Xiudou z, and xdz in turn is Zhang Daxian.

Xiudou's shooter dares to fight, and has always dominated the first few of the peak of the list before, and his techniques are very calm, dare to show operations, and like to play some high-risk and high-reward heroes, especially when he gets heroes with more self-protection ability such as Mark Gongsun away from Yu Ji.

In the match against DYG, Yu Ji played an explosive output and played an assassin feeling, killing the opposite C position several times. When playing Marco, he also played directly, the big move was not stingy at all, the state became more and more fierce, and the teammates were also mobilized together.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

The most thoughtful of the five is the Zhongdan Spirit Dream, the magic thorn and the tool man are very good at hand, with a deep hero pool.

Using Xi Shi to fish out an MVP, he can also play a burst output when using fire dance, which is the best way to cut C, perfectly guarding The output environment of Garo.

You can do the bloody counter-killing Mark, and the position Lan dares to operate and complete the single kill. He is a player who can be cultivated, and he is also a rising star in this year's single.

I really didn't expect that the biggest surprise of this year's KPL was from Zhang Daxian and XYG

In this team, you can feel the charm of esports, the whole club is full of desire for championships and love for the esports industry, and here you have to step on the Management of Hero who wants to mess up.

The club's level of fan interest in the team can be seen. Although XYG is a newcomer team, they have the momentum to fight, and have always adhered to the principle of "winning blood and gaining and losing without losing", and constantly climbing upwards.

They have no experience, the first time they walk off the KPL stage to ask the coach, may not be the best team, but this initial intention is definitely the clearest, look forward to their future performance will have a better performance, show a different style, can get the KPL fixed seat as soon as possible, climbers as soon as possible to the top.

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