
This punishment, which was only useful for women and was considered an insult, is now a trend

This punishment, which was only useful for women and was considered an insult, is now a trend

According to Guo Yu, as early as the zhou dynasty, There were prisons in China for a long time. If there are prisons, there must be prisoners and penalties. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, there was a book called "Lü Punishment", which recorded the punishment at that time, including ink, seduction, scissors, palace, and Dabie, known as the five punishments.

Among them, ink punishment ranks first. The so-called ink penalty, also known as one side. According to historical records, Shang Martin decided to punish the Gongsun family with the evil laws of the Gongsun family. The specific method is roughly as follows:

Use a needle or tung knife to prick the pattern in a specific location (usually on the face), then apply black smoke powder (or other paint) to the face, and then fix the pattern with a brush. Finally, scrape off excess blood and smoke powder with a spatula. Because this method is easily contagious, many prisoners will have a fever or even die after being sentenced. This is a spiritual humiliation, for eternal words are left behind.

This punishment, which was only useful for women and was considered an insult, is now a trend

As a result, the Ink Penal Code is included in five criminal laws. But with the development of the times, this punishment has gradually become a punishment that only applies to women. Why? Don't men find it an insult? I'll give you an example and you'll understand. The famous Northern Song general Di Qing was convicted of facial injury and stabbed in the face. Once, Song Renzong advised him that you are now contributing to society, do you want to remove the tattoos on your face?

This punishment, which was only useful for women and was considered an insult, is now a trend

Unexpectedly, Di Qing categorically refused Song Renzong's kindness. He said tattoos make me look more powerful and I don't want to get rid of it. According to historical records, Di Qing was proud of this all his life. Even at home, he wiped it clean with wine to make the graffiti more obvious!

This punishment, which was only useful for women and was considered an insult, is now a trend

Check out Water Margin. What blue-faced beast Yang Zhi, timely rain Songjiang, which one was not punished? Aren't they all proud of this? In fact, this is also true. Su Xun of the Song Dynasty mentioned in his military system that almost all soldiers at that time had tattoos on their arms, and tattoos became a status symbol for soldiers.

In modern times, tattoos have become a trend. Many young men and women will stab each other's names on their bodies to show their loyalty to love. There are tattoos of ancient babies to show their identity. But where do they know that the root of this so-called trend is actually an ancient punishment!

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