
Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

author:Headlines debunked rumors

Verification expert: @ Inong to see the world | High-quality creators in the field of three rural areas

The familiar strawberry, which was originally an ornamental plant, was later cultivated and became a fruit suitable for all ages.

The so-called "people are not red, and there are many things to regret", and strawberries are more or less the same. After becoming a popular fruit, the rumors of smearing strawberries have never stopped. A large strawberry can not be eaten because of the use of bulking agent? Is the malformed strawberry because of the use of hormones? White-butt strawberries are dyed with pigment and faded?

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

At present, the market time of winter strawberries is coming, in order to avoid the rumors to continue to spread, so that everyone can eat strawberries with peace of mind, the rumors will help you today to clean up these rumors that smear strawberries.

This statement is one-sided. There are many factors that affect the size of strawberries, and it is not rigorous to infer the use of bulking agents by virtue of "big".

1, the factors that affect the size of strawberries are these

(1) Varieties

In fact, the fruit of wild strawberries is very small, and humans only cultivated them as ornamental plants when they were first planted. Later, the strawberries with larger fruits were picked out, and larger varieties were continuously cultivated through hybridization technology, so that the strawberries we often eat today were born.

At present, there are dozens of varieties of commercial strawberries mainly planted in China, and there are certain differences in growth characteristics and fruit characteristics between different varieties. For example, under the condition of other conditions, Dandong 99 strawberries are larger than "Sweet Charlie" strawberries, and individual prominent Dandong 99 strawberries can even grow to the size of a child's palm.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

(2) Growth environment

The growth state of plants is inseparable from changes in the external environment. Strawberries in the process of growth and development, there are certain requirements for temperature, humidity, light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration in the air, etc.

Strawberries are larger when exposed to development. In the strawberry greenhouse, you will find such a phenomenon, the strawberries at the vent and the door of the shed will be significantly smaller than the strawberries in the middle of the greenhouse. This is because the environmental conditions at the vent of the greenhouse are worse, which will more or less affect the normal growth of strawberries.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

(3) The fineness of planting management

There may also be differences in the size of strawberries of the same variety and region, and the reason for this is due to the fineness of the planting management.

Such as the preparation of the facility, the scientific rationality of the ridge, the number of colonizations per unit area and the colonization technology, the fertilization of strawberries during the growth cycle, the degree of flower thinning, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, etc. will affect the size of strawberries.

In addition, there are also differences in the size of the same strawberry at different times, for example, the "head fruit" is larger than other fruits, and the first few stubble fruits are larger than the stubble fruit.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

2. Is it possible to use "bulking agent"?

In addition to the above factors, strawberries can be large and small, and there is indeed a possibility that farmers will use "bulking agents".

Not only in China, but also in many Japanese farmers, they also use "bulking agents" in the strawberry production process. Is it that the strawberries that use the "bulking agent" are poisonous and cannot be eaten?

Of course not.

The "bulking agent" that farmers use to regulate strawberry growth is chlorpyramide. This agent was first developed and used in Japan and has been widely used in the production process of grapes, strawberries and kiwifruit.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

However, we must clarify two problems: First, chloropyrurea is a plant growth regulator that is approved for use in agricultural production in China. Secondly, domestic experts have conducted in-depth research on the safety of chloropyrurea, and the conclusion shows that there is a high safety in the case of excessive use.

There have been no reports of poisoning since the use of chloropyrurea, so it is a rumor to say that "strawberries that have been expanded with bulking agents are poisonous and cannot be eaten".

What the rumors want to remind is that everyone buys from formal channels, and there is no need to worry that farmers will use chlorpyramide in excess. Because excessive use will lead to a serious decline in strawberry yield and quality, resulting in the loss of commerciality of the fruit, farmers will not be worth the loss.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

When buying strawberries, we often see all kinds of "strange-looking" "alternatives". Some people say that this strawberry is hormone-taking and cannot be eaten.

This statement is one-sided. There are many factors that contribute to strawberry malformations, and the use of hormones is just one of them. In general, these three stages of the strawberry growth cycle have a greater impact on the occurrence of deformed fruits.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

The first is the flower bud differentiation period. Strawberry flower bud differentiation is easy to cause strawberry malformation, and there are many factors affecting the differentiation of flower buds, such as when the external environmental temperature during the flower bud differentiation period is lower than 5 °C or higher than 25 °C, the probability of deformed fruits in the later stage of strawberries is greater.

The second is the pollination period, when pollination is not complete, it is also prone to deformed fruits. At present, strawberry production mainly relies on bee pollination, and whether pollination is completely related to the amount of bees released per unit area, bee activity, and environmental regulation are inextricably linked, such as the amount of bees released is small, the activity of bees is low, and the probability of deformed fruits when the ambient temperature is higher than 35 °C will increase.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

The third is the fruit growth period. During the process of fruit growth and development, temperature and humidity, medication, fertilization and other control is not appropriate, it is easy to appear deformed fruits, such as temperature below 10 °C, excessive medication, and the probability of strawberry deformed fruits when boron and calcium fertilizer are applied in the early stage will also increase.

So not all oddly shaped strawberries use hormones. Most of the deformed fruits are the result of natural growth, and their nutritional composition is no different from that of normal fruits, so you can eat them with confidence.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

When consumers buy strawberries, they often find that some strawberries have white "butts" or the fruit has "color spots". Some people think that strawberries are dyed unpainted or faded.

In fact, this is a problem with strawberries during the coloring process.

Strawberries can be roughly divided into 7 stages from flowering to maturity, namely small green, big green, light green, pure white, initial red, sheet red, and full red period.

Strawberries begin to change color after the pure white stage, and the color change process is gradually reddish from the tip of the fruit to the base, reaching full red when fully ripe.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

That is to say, the "white ass" strawberries that consumers come into contact with in their daily lives are not fully ripe fruits between the red and full red periods, not hormones or incomplete staining.

The reason why farmers let "white-ass" strawberries enter the market is mainly to extend the shelf life of strawberries, because strawberries are extremely resistant to transportation and storage when they are fully ripe.

And for those strawberry fruits that are unevenly colored, it is not a problem of unstained dyeing. Strawberry fruit coloring is also affected by factors such as temperature and light, for example, strawberry fruits with sufficient light are better than strawberries that grow in seclusion.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

In addition, in daily life, some consumers claim to have the "evidence" of strawberry dyeing - strawberries will fade during cleaning and consumption!

Don't make a fuss, this is the pigment contained in the strawberries themselves. The pigment contained in strawberries is mainly anthocyanins, and anthocyanins are soluble in water, and strawberry fruit cells are easily destroyed, so there will be a phenomenon of "discoloration" when cleaning and eating.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

In addition, there are many rumors about strawberries, such as "strawberries that are too fragrant and too sweet to eat, either with flavor or with sweeteners" and so on. In fact, the aroma and sweetness of strawberries are affected by various factors such as strawberry varieties and growth environments, and a "flavor and sweetener" is used to negate some strawberry varieties with large sweetness, just like bad money expelling good money, giving up the end.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries

It is almost time to eat strawberries, and the rumor debunking Jun hopes that through today's rumor dispelling, everyone can relax their hearts. In recent years, the relevant departments have attached great importance to the safety of agricultural products, and agricultural products before entering the market will be sampled, and only those who pass the sampling inspection can be sold. Therefore, strawberries purchased from formal channels can be eaten with confidence, but do not eat more than you eat ~ [a flash of inspiration]

In addition to giving consumers a shot in the arm, the rumor-busting Jun also advises all farmers and friends engaged in strawberry production: as long as scientific planting and fine management, they will certainly be able to grow high-yield and high-quality strawberries. Don't believe in "crooked tricks" and use "crooked tricks", be careful not to lose more than you lose.

Are strawberries artificially dyed? Big because of the hormone? Don't believe these rumors about strawberries
Resources: [1]. Effects of temperature conditions on strawberry growth, development and fruit expansion; Geng Xiufen et al [2]. Study on the change of fruit quality in different ripeness of strawberries; Zhang Yuchao et al [3]. Research progress on the environmental behavior and safety of chloropyrurea; Li Ruijuan, Pesticide [4]. Study on the physicochemical properties of strawberry pigment; Liu Cunrui et al., Food Science and Technology [5]. Effects of light intensity on fruit coloring and anthocyanin biosynthesis of ripe red strawberry and possible molecular mechanisms; Shao Wanlu et al.; Plant Research [6]. Preliminary analysis of the nutritional composition of "red face" and "fragrant" fruit of strawberry varieties; Gu Hualun et al., Southern Agriculture [7]. Dynamic changes in sugar acid content during strawberry fruit ripening; Liu Shihua et al., Anhui Forestry Science and Technology [8]. Effects of nitrogen treatment on aromatic composition of strawberry ripe fruit; Liu Songzhong et al., Journal of Shandong Agricultural University

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