
In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

author:Raising flowers

Since the beginning of winter, the interior can become very dry. Flower lovers, afraid of the flowers "dry", like to water the plants. Soon after that, it is easy to appear rotten leaves, rotten flower buds, etc., which is a painful phenomenon. Flower lovers who have these types of plants at home. Be careful not to spray water on the plant.

There are small hairs on the leaves

Representative plants: Rhododendron, African violet, geranium, large rock tree

Flower lovers who raise rhododendrons, African violets, geraniums and large rock trees at home, touch them with their hands. You will feel the fine hairs on the leaves.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

If we are afraid that these flowers are "dry", spray water on the leaves. The fine fluff easily hangs on to a multitude of water droplets. It is now a cold weather, many home doors and windows are closed, and the air is not flowing. In addition, in winter, the sun's rays are weak and evaporation is weakened. Water droplets on the leaves, difficult to evaporate.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

The more times you spray, the more moisture accumulates on the leaves. The overall humidity of the leaves is increasing, and it is easy to rot, soften, and yellow.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Therefore, when replenishing water to plants with small hairs on the leaves of rhododendrons, African violets, geraniums, and large rock trees, water the pot surface and do not spray water on the branches.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

If the bottom leaves grow too densely, affecting watering can also cause excessive humidity in the lower parts of the plant. It is necessary to cut off too many leaves at the bottom end.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

At this stage, there are already flower buds of plants!

Representative plants: Camellia, Ruixiang, Phalaenopsis orchid, Cyclamen

At this stage, it is the Spring Festival flowering plants such as camellia, Ruixiang and Phalaenopsis orchids, and the flower buds are in the stage of flower buds. The petals of the camellia have many layers, and each bud of Phalaenopsis, Ruixiang and Cyclamen is very close.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Once you spray water on the flower bud many times, the water accumulates on the flower bud for a long time. It will breed bacteria and infect the flower buds, causing the flower buds to fall.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

We want to increase the humidity of the environment around the potted plants, in addition to watering to keep up in time. You can also spray water on the surrounding ground, add water to the tray or add a humidifier around.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

A plant that is dormant!

Representative plants: jasmine, gardenia, hydrangea, moonflower

In the winter, there are many plants that like temperature and are afraid of cold, such as jasmine, gardenia, hydrangea, etc. will enter the dormant period. That is, the stage of plant "cultivation and survival". Its photosynthesis and transpiration effect are greatly weakened. The need for moisture is greatly reduced.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

At this stage, spray it with water on the blades, if you spray water frequently. Because its own growth activity is weakened, the water is too large and cannot be absorbed. The whole plant, which has been in a particularly humid environment for a long time, is easy to breed bacteria, causing the leaves to rot and yellow and fall off.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Therefore, there are plants in the dormant period at home, and they can be concentrated for maintenance. After the basin is dry, water it uniformly.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Succulents with white-pink leaves

Representative plants: Fairy Cup, White Beauty, Peach Egg, Frost Dynasty, Ping Pong Fu Niang, Thin Leaf Blue Bird, Blue Pine

When we raise succulents, some varieties of succulents come with their own "isolation cream". Make the whole look, extra pink and interesting. In fact, this layer of "isolation cream" can be of great use. Therefore, we must not spray water on the succulent, so as not to wash the "barrier cream" away, and it is difficult to regenerate after washing.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Its first use: in dry environments, especially in the northern region, many homes now have heating and less moisture indoors. The succulent with its own "barrier cream" can protect the moisture in the leaf from rapid evaporation in a higher temperature environment.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

The second point of use: the succulent with its own "barrier cream", the surface layer is very smooth. Once drenched in water, it is not easy to hang the water droplets. Effectively avoid standing water and prevent decay.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Succulents come with white powder and succulent powdery mildew. We must make a difference, do not admit mistakes, if powdery mildew occurs, we must carry out sterilization treatment in time. When succulents have powdery mildew, they have hairs and hyphae up close. The succulent natural white powder looks more transparent and even.

Succulent powdery mildew:

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

In winter, indoor succulents are raised, the ventilation environment is poor, try not to water the succulents, so as not to drip water on the leaves, causing serious problems such as white powder falling off, and even black rot cores.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

On the fleshy stem, the surface is covered with plants with deep and shallow lines!

Representative plant: Cactus ball

Take a closer look, we're on a domestic cactus ball. There are obvious lines all over it. These lines are deep and prone to poor ventilation.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Once sprayed with water, the water droplets accumulate in the center of the sphere's grain. Over time, there is a lack of good ventilation conditions indoors in winter. Moisture volatilizes and is particularly prone to decay.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

If you find that there is decay, remove the rotten part as soon as possible, sprinkle the cutting surface with carbendazim, put a ventilated place, temporarily do not water, and then maintain it normally after the wound heals.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Water droplets tend to grow along the leaves and flow into plants at the center of the leaves

Representative plants: Junzi orchid, Phalaenopsis orchid, vermilion red

Plants such as Junzi orchid, Phalaenopsis orchid, and vermilion orchid are all fan-shaped and open, and the leaves are very smooth. When spraying water, the water droplets flow very easily along the leaf blade into the center of the leaf.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

If you spray water more often, the leaf center will accumulate more and more, which is easy to cause water accumulation. In winter, indoor ventilation is relatively poor. Almost evaporated, the leaves are particularly prone to softness and rot.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Over time, when the leaves are stained with dust and are ugly. Can be wiped clean with a rag. When watering, pour the water into its grain, you can suck away the excess water with toilet paper as soon as possible, and you can also fan and blow the water dry as soon as possible.

In winter, 6 types of flowers, leaves and flower buds do not spray water, and they rot when they are sprayed

Flowers introduce these 6 types of plants,

Never spray water.

Once the phenomenon of water rotting leaves and rotten flower buds occurs,

What a shame!

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