
The results of the top ten people of the year in Chinese sports were released: the four national table tennis players were shortlisted, and Chen Meng regretted not being selected

2021 is coming to an end, and 2022 is also coming to us. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, it is often the time for all walks of life to carry out various year-end awards, and it is at such a moment that the results of the selection of the top ten outstanding figures in Chinese sports in 2021 have been announced. Since this year is an Olympic year, nine of the ten athletes on the list participated in the Tokyo Olympics, which ended four months ago. Only Gu Ailing in the women's freestyle skating event is from the winter sports program. Of the nine athletes who competed in the Tokyo Olympics, 8 were Olympic champions. For example, Quan Hongchan, a young diver from diving, Ma Long, Fan Zhendong, Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha from the table tennis project, as well as shot put player Gong Lijiao, gymnast Guan Chenchen, and Yang Qian, a shooter who won the first gold in the Olympic Games. In addition, as the first to stand on the Olympic 100-meter final, Su Bingtian from the athletics sprint project was also shortlisted for the top ten sports figures. I believe that among these eight Olympic champions, we will find a very interesting phenomenon, that is, four of the athletes are from the Chinese table tennis team, which shows that in this big family of Chinese sports, the real most fan base and the love of fans are still the table tennis project.

The results of the top ten people of the year in Chinese sports were released: the four national table tennis players were shortlisted, and Chen Meng regretted not being selected

However, some fans may find that there is another phenomenon that is relatively rare, that is, in the men's event, Ma Long, who won the final singles championship, and fan Zhendong, the runner-up, were selected as the top ten outstanding people. But among the two finalists of the women's table tennis team, they are Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha, two young players. They were all members of the team champions at the Olympic Games, and Sun Yingsha also won the second place in the Olympic women's singles. The winner of the ST Olympic women's singles championship, Chen Meng, did not appear among the top ten outstanding people of the year. Below we may wish to analyze why the 7 players participating in the Olympic Games, that is, Ma Long, Xu Xin, Fan Zhendong, Liu Shiwen, Chen Meng, Sun Yingsha, wang Manyu, are Chen Meng, Liu Shiwen and Xu Xin who failed to be selected as the top ten outstanding figures of the year. The main reason for this, we analyze from the following two aspects.

The results of the top ten people of the year in Chinese sports were released: the four national table tennis players were shortlisted, and Chen Meng regretted not being selected

On the one hand, these four national table tennis players have achieved great breakthroughs and comprehensive progress on the basis of their original achievements. For example, Malone, after winning the singles title at the Tokyo Olympics, became the first successful singles champion in the history of the event, creating a new history in the Olympic Games. At the same time, he has also reached 26 world championships, which is a unique highest level, and no one in history has reached Malone's current height. In addition to winning the runner-up in singles at the Olympic Games, the little fat Fan Zhendong also played the first singles in the team competition, and made great contributions to the team's victory over the men's team championship. After the Olympic Games, he won consecutive championships in the National Games, the World Table Tennis Championships and the World Cup. Let us witness his strength. Therefore, the selection of Ma Long and Fan Zhendong is undoubtedly due to strength, and it is also a side reaction of fans to their love.

The results of the top ten people of the year in Chinese sports were released: the four national table tennis players were shortlisted, and Chen Meng regretted not being selected

And Wang Manyu can be selected, on the one hand, she herself as a P card athlete, in the team once encountered difficulties, especially after losing the mixed doubles championship, there is a need for young people to stand up and help the team complete the team task, in order to prevent Liu Shiwen from playing badly because of injuries and the impact of the previous loss, the whole team lost the team championship because of excessive psychological pressure, she dared to fight after the battle in place of Liu Shiwen, not afraid of all opponents, and dared to play in the game. Until all the competitions to maintain a total victory, for the national table tennis to win the team championship made a great contribution. And in the next game with a lot of gold, that is, the World Table Tennis Championships, she won the women's singles championship, allowing fans to witness her growth and maturity.

The results of the top ten people of the year in Chinese sports were released: the four national table tennis players were shortlisted, and Chen Meng regretted not being selected

Sun Yingsha is more reassuring than Wang Manyu. Although she won only a silver medal in the process of participating in the Olympic singles, but the biggest competitor of national table tennis, Ito Mimachi, after winning the mixed doubles championship, was in full momentum, at this time, it was Sun Yingsha who helped the national table tennis ensure that the women's singles championship was taken into the pocket in advance through her complete victory, according to the difficult situation of national table tennis at that time, if Sun Yingsha was powerless to stop Ito Mimachi and put her in the final, Chen Meng really did not dare to say that she would be able to defeat Ito Mimachi. As for Sun Yingsha, she actually became the main backbone and flag bearer of the team at the moment when the whole team encountered difficulties in competing for gold in the Olympic Games, and played the role of the number one main force. Moreover, in the Olympic Games and the World Table Tennis Championships and the Three World Cup competitions, she played extremely steadily, all of which reached the singles finals, and also won the Mixed Doubles and Women's Doubles Championships of the World Table Tennis Championships, and finally achieved a singles debut in the World Cup. It can be said that Sun Yingsha also laughed to the end with her excellent performance, and finally achieved her first singles champion of the world's three majors, so Sun Yingsha also became one of the top ten outstanding figures by relying on her hard strength.

The results of the top ten people of the year in Chinese sports were released: the four national table tennis players were shortlisted, and Chen Meng regretted not being selected

Overall, Chen Meng, as the Olympic singles champion of Xinke, failed to be selected as one of the top ten outstanding figures, mainly because although her Olympic champion is of a high level, the opponent she is playing against is not as strong as Sun Yingsha's opponent, her own hard battle is too little, after returning from the Olympic Games, she lacks the blessing of the follow-up best results, and the World Table Tennis Championships and the World Cup have not been able to break into the women's singles final, which also affected her entry. And Liu Shiwen has lost the opportunity to enter the top ten people from the moment she lost the Olympic mixed doubles, and even Xu Xin lost the championship because of the mixed doubles, which proved that his personal ability has declined again. In addition, he is also the number three person in the team competition. Therefore, not being able to participate in the top ten outstanding figures is also a normal phenomenon.

The results of the top ten people of the year in Chinese sports were released: the four national table tennis players were shortlisted, and Chen Meng regretted not being selected

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