
James explained why his peak was long: I just got the job done and stuck with it for nineteen years!

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James explained why his peak was long: I just got the job done and stuck with it for nineteen years!

On December 13, the Lakers won the Magic.

In this game, Davis was absent, Westbrook played low- and James became the only MVP, and he is also the NBA's best player today. James' stats are: 30 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists and 3 blocks. These 3 blocks are all James's signature volleyball chase hats, which fanned the applause of the audience. James scored a 30-point triple-double when he was nearly 37 years old, which also allowed him to activate multiple milestones in the first game. Combined with his data from the past ten games, it can also activate many milestones.

After the game, James was interviewed and asked two questions, both related to the state. The first is how is this game in such good shape? The second is why is the peak of my career so long? The first question, James gave two answers: I've seen my son play! Slept for half a day in the past day!

James said he was motivated after watching his son play. James has always wanted his son to play in the NBA, which means that James must continue to maintain his form and survive until his son enters the NBA. James II (Brownie) will probably not debut until the 2023 season, and James wants to wait for his eldest son to enter the NBA and maintain a two-year peak. Obviously, it's not a challenge for James, but he needs to put in the same level of effort as before.

In addition to watching his son play, sleep is also the key to James' state. James has said that sleep is just as important as training. James slept twice in the past day, adding up to 12 hours. The first time was to sleep until eight o'clock in the morning, after breakfast it was eight thirty o'clock, and continued to sleep until 12:30 noon. James said to sleep well and energize him.

As for the question of the length of the peak period, James did not say too many secrets, such as spending millions of dollars a year on physical training and very self-disciplined, and he did not bring up public answers. In this interview, James's answer to his peak is simple: I just got the job done and stuck with it for nineteen years! James can play it lightly, but obviously the simpler the answer, the more complex it is. Factors such as talent, self-discipline and luck are indispensable. There has never been a giant like James in history, not even Jabbar or Jordan.

In addition to James's interview, other Lakers members were also questioned, and they all focused on praising James. Lakers head coach Vogel said James set a good tone for the Lakers to try to develop championship habits in the regular season. Tucker said james coached himself on and off the court, doubling his confidence, and Tucker said he didn't have any excuses for seeing how the 36-year-old James still fought. Westbrook said James' aggressiveness changed qualitatively to the Lakers. This is James, even if he is almost 37 years old, as long as he is healthy, he is still the first person in the league and can compete for FMVP.

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