
Toy Tinkerer Simulator Cheap Cheap Childhood Tinkerer Simulator

Game Introduction In this game, you will personally repair various toys full of childhood memories through a series of operations.

For example, the little bear in the title picture, I believe that many people have such a child in childhood, repair it to find childhood, how good!

For example, the small boat with the inscription, I believe that many people have played with such a boat in their childhood, repair it to find their childhood, how good!

For example, the tower with the inscription, I believe that many people have not played such a one in their childhood, repair it and forcibly retrieve their childhood, how good!

However, if you have no interest in getting back to your childhood or look at the picture and think it has nothing to do with your childhood, the game will have little positive feedback for you, i.e. you don't have to play it at all.

Yes, this is a "childhood tinkering simulator" with little difficulty.

Gameplay flow

The main interface of the game ...

Toy Tinkerer Simulator Cheap Cheap Childhood Tinkerer Simulator

In short, it is a game that uses various operations of the mouse to complete the repair toy operation simulator, which is simpler than similar kitchen simulators and real estate masters, because it does not even have the need to operate the arrow keys. The kitchen simulator also has physical elements (oops, isn't it just falling on the floor, not dry and eating no disease), real estate masters at least have to open and close the door into the room, but this toy tinker simulator, with the mouse can do everything - including the movement of the room.

Secondly, the main purpose of the game is to fix all kinds of toys, although you will wonder if anyone is really playing with these now.

Computer page ...

Toy Tinkerer Simulator Cheap Cheap Childhood Tinkerer Simulator

You need to click on the computer, then look at the order, buy all the materials needed to repair a toy, and finally take the order. After receiving the order, you can enter the repair link.

> the point that needs to be complained about here is that the difference with kitchen simulators and real estate masters is that you must buy all the materials to repair, rather than selecting the order and then corresponding to buying the materials. You said that the real estate master will displace it, whether it is buying materials or repairing toys, the player's operating characters are in this studio, why bother? There's even a note for you to put everything you want to buy. The experience was extremely poor

Repair link ...

Toy Tinkerer Simulator Cheap Cheap Childhood Tinkerer Simulator

The repair process is much simpler, nothing more than holding and dragging/clicking, and nothing else. Very simple to give you a goal, you either click (usually with a yellow border box out) or hold and drag (hold down to drag onto the item / hold down and drag not let go of the degree bar), there is no fine operation, some judgments even as long as you start to drag, even against the void can also advance the progress bar.

The steps that need to be carried out are to first remove the parts one by one, then clean or repair the parts, and finally put them on the workbench, find the yellow border point by point - yes, the point is automatically spliced, there is no need to consider the order, and finally it will always be complete.

When you are done, you have to prepare to hand over the order, but there is a more bizarre move that must be done - taking pictures.


Toy Tinkerer Simulator Cheap Cheap Childhood Tinkerer Simulator

Yes, all finished, of course, to see the before and after comparison chart! Click to play and even have the awkward animation of your fixed toy spinning in place, and the first click must be very awkward to shake the ground. Click Skip to submit an order on the computer, then gain experience and money, accumulate the number of toy deals, and you can also see your own repaired toys in the book.

Then, it's just repeating the order over and over again, and it's gone.

Other systems

There really isn't much else, the only thing worth mentioning is his hierarchy. First, you need to keep tinkering with toys to gain experience and money, secondly, level 5 can open apprentice repair, level 10 can open veteran repair, level 15 open museum repair, and level 25 open master repair.

As the level of repair increases, the tools you need are more and more expensive. Yes, you need to buy all the tools yourself! And you can only get together a dozen orders to get those tools together, so even though I have started apprentice repairing veteran repair, I have to go back to do novice repair because I can't afford to repair tools.

Moreover, the museum repair list does not give money, he will only add to your museum inventory, when you have accumulated enough, you can open your own museum and then slowly pay... However, this is too far.

Of course, it also has a decoration function similar to that of real estate masters, you can spend money to buy furniture to decorate the home... Even if it's completely unnecessary

Game reviews


Maybe it will make you reminisce about your childhood

When repairing an item, the contrast is very strong and there is a sense of accomplishment

People with cleaning habits may get a strange feeling of coolness

It is very time-killing, the difficulty is almost non-existent, even children can play


The picture quality and UI effect are extremely poor, and the operating space is extremely limited, even making people think that it is a work from 10 years ago

The quality of the repaired toy itself is also difficult to say, the title map is only the part that it can repair and see, and the game is full of strange color matching and parts that cannot be seen

The degree of freedom is extremely low, the operability is almost non-existent, and the only cultivation system (museum) needs repetitive operation to achieve (the author played for about 9 hours to open this system)

The quality of the game itself or the fit is very poor. There is no information bar in the window (I don't know if it is the reason for the author's own computer), and the loading time into the game is long, and there will even be a flashback phenomenon.

To sum up itself, as a game that likes real estate masters, I can't get happiness in this game, there is no freedom to say, you can no longer learn anything here, and even the operability is not as good as a game on the phone (the name should be I love to spell the model?). It's still a bit difficult to put together, but this game just makes me a click tool person.

In order to play this game to open the museum, I spent a week (about one or two hours a day) repeatedly taking orders (mainly low-difficulty operations brought great boredom, so that it was difficult to play for a long time)

To sum up, although I wrote this review for it, I don't recommend spending 39r on such a game.

Game Duration Certification ...

Toy Tinkerer Simulator Cheap Cheap Childhood Tinkerer Simulator

In order not to waste the 10.4 hours I spent on it, I tried to rack my brains to think of something commendable or useful about it.

Then I thought, brothers and sisters of the mud player, if you have a bear child relative at home, you can play this game with him for an hour when he comes to the door, and point to the price of the various repair tools inside and say to the bear children: If you break the toy, you will have to spend money to buy these repair tools first, and then help me repair it. Of course, you can also point to the price on the order and say: it doesn't matter if you don't repair it, then you have to spend money to help me find someone to repair.

Maybe this will stop some bear children from sabotaging their hands? But after thinking about it, comparing your exquisite handmade with the cheap toys here, I did it with my hands!!

All in all, this is a "childhood repair simulator" with cheap pictures and cheap repair toys.

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