
Southern Network Review: Taking History as a Mirror and Facing the Future

author:Southern Network Review

Today is the eighth National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre. The pines are solemn, the national flag is hanging low, the whistle is long, and the mountains and rivers are whimpering. It is with deep sorrow that the people of the whole country express their deep condolences to the more than 300,000 compatriots who died!

In 2014, on the eve of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, China set December 13 every year as the National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, and through the annual National Memorial Day, we expressed our clear and firm position to the world: Chinese people resolutely oppose wars of aggression, resolutely defend human dignity, and resolutely safeguard world peace!

Another year of public sacrifice, another time to remember, a time to reflect, a time to look forward.

Southern Network Review: Taking History as a Mirror and Facing the Future

On December 5, 2021, on the occasion of the National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, the Memorial Hall of the Compatriots Killed in the Nanjing Massacre of the Japanese Army Invading China was photographed. (Image source: People's Vision)

"Forgetting history is tantamount to betraying the revolution," and we must remember history and not forget the national shame. On December 13, 1937, the Japanese invaders occupied Nanjing. In the next 40 days or so, Japanese robbers burned and plundered, did everything, countless property and cultural relics were looted, more than 80% of urban buildings were set on fire, tens of thousands of women were raped, and more than 300,000 lives were slaughtered, leaving the darkest page in the history of human civilization! In the entire 14 years of arduous War of Resistance Against Japan, Chinese paid great sacrifices: more than 35 million military and civilian casualties, and more than $600 billion in property damage. Behind the cold figures are the destruction of the country and the death of the family, the blood flowing into the river, and the mourning in the wilderness. Not only that, the war of aggression launched by the Japanese aggressors also swept through the whole of Southeast Asia, including more than ten countries such as Korea, South Korea, Vietnam, and India, and committed countless crimes against the People of Asia! In World War II, the banditry of Japanese militarism was not only a disgrace imposed on China, but also a common shame imposed on Asia and even all mankind! Chinese people will not forget, the people of Asia will not forget, and the people of the world will not forget!

"History gives birth to truth, it can compete with time", we must face history squarely and reject nothingness. In recent years, some political forces and academic groups in Japan have played hooliganism in refusing to acknowledge the history of aggression, doing everything possible to nihilize the history of aggression and hollowing out their minds to beautify the history of aggression. Obviously, this is an extremely wrong and extremely dangerous act in a vain attempt to make enemies of all mankind. The whole world must rise up to expose and crack down on them, so that they can return to the correct track of objectively understanding history. There is a head for wrongs, and there is a master for debts. Of course, the responsibility for the war of aggression at that time was borne by the Japanese militarists and Japanese fascists who were in power at that time, not by the Japanese people. After World War II, through the hard work of its own people and the support of the whole world, Japan has developed rapidly in science, technology, culture, economy and other aspects, and has become one of the developed countries. Unfortunately, however, there are always some people in Japan who cannot correctly understand history and want to run out and overturn the case for the history of aggression! It should be noted that the view of history is not only a question of how to view specific historical events and people, but also a manifestation of its values. Japan's right-leaning behavior is a retrogression of history, a retrograde of the times, and a provocation to justice. It must be resolutely resisted!

"Those who close their eyes to history cannot see the future", we must take history as a mirror and create the future. Remembering history is not to remember hatred, still less to perpetuate hatred, but to learn from history and create the future. At present, it is necessary to profoundly understand the reasons for the gain of power by the Japanese right-wing forces and expose them. From the perspective of historical reasons, after World War II, out of its strategic consideration in the Far East, the United States sheltered the emperor and some war criminals, so that all the fascists in Japan were not punished as they deserved, so that the remnants of the fascists could go unpunished. The outbreak of the Korean War turned the Policy of Occupying Japan into a policy of supporting Japan by the United States, and a number of war criminals such as Kishi Nobusuke regained power in Japan, which promoted the rightward shift of the government. Judging from the actual reasons, after the economic rise, a right-wing force seeking the status of a world political power appeared in Japan, and they tried their best to overturn the case for World War II and beautify the history of the war of aggression. World War II was the death of all mankind, and it is necessary to strengthen the great unity of the people of Asia and the people of the world and make concerted efforts to oppose the resurgence of Japanese militarism. It is necessary to strengthen Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations and nongovernmental exchanges. After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan in 1972, there was a "honeymoon" period. However, in recent years, China's economy has risen rapidly and its international status has further improved; under the leadership of right-wing forces, Japan has not only comprehensively hindered the process of political great power, but also slightly declined economically. Japan's relations with China have gone downhill. Only by squarely facing the history of aggression can the Japanese Government take history as a mirror and face the future.

Southern Network Review: Taking History as a Mirror and Facing the Future

On December 13, 2021, Nanjing City, the eighth National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre, a number of electronic screens in Nanjing took turns to play the words of remembering history, cherishing peace, and safeguarding world peace and equality. (Image source: People's Vision)

At present and in the future, Sino-Japanese relations should firmly grasp the mainstream of Sino-Japanese friendship, and the governments and peoples of the two countries should cherish peace, oppose war, and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for Asia and a community with a shared future for mankind! Let the alarm bells of the Day of Public Worship ring! (Southern Network Chen Li, Li Chunliang)

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