
Starbucks is caught in a food safety storm: more than 5,000 stores in China earn $3.7 billion a year

Zhongxin Jingwei December 13 (Yan Shuxin) Starbucks has also overturned!

On the 13th, the topic of "Starbucks privately changing ingredient labels using expired ingredients" caused a hot discussion on Weibo. Subsequently, Starbucks responded that it had closed two stores involved and launched an investigation. Earlier, the relevant staff of a Starbucks store involved responded to Zhongxin Jingwei that the relevant local departments are currently investigating in the store.

Expired ingredients continue to be sold, and the shelf life is arbitrarily changed?

According to the Beijing News, the reporter recently undercover investigation in two Starbucks stores in Wuxi Found that the two stores touched the red line of food safety: the ingredients continued to be used after expiration, and were sold into a variety of best-selling drinks; the supervisor and the clerk "taught by example" to tamper with the shelf life, and some ingredients were artificially "extended" for a week; the pastries that promised to "not stay overnight after opening" were secretly put on the shelves the next day.

According to the report, in the Wuxi Starbucks Zhenze Road store, the chocolate liquid has passed the shelf life, but the clerk did not scrap the regulations, and more than once used the expired chocolate liquid to make drinks for customers. The reporter found that the use of expired ingredients in the store is not a special case, but a well-known practice between the supervisor and the clerk.

The reporter once reflected the expiration of 4 kinds of ingredients to the store duty supervisor, "These kinds of ingredients are expired, do you want to dump them and replace them with new ones?" The duty supervisor was apparently aware of the situation and instructed the reporter to continue using these expired ingredients.

Not only that, in order to "cover" the use of expired ingredients, the shelf life labels of some ingredients are often tampered with at will. The Beijing News reporter went undercover in the Starbucks Wuxi Changxing Building store and found that the cocoa fragments used to make "Star Ice" in the store had expired. Shelf life label information shows that it was opened on November 14 and expired on November 20, but the duty supervisor did not scrap it after finding it, but tore off the shelf life label and directly replaced it with a new label. The new shelf life label shows that its expiration date has been delayed by a full week.

Many Starbucks stores in Wuxi promise that if the opened pastries cannot be sold, they will be scrapped on the same day. The clerk of the Starbucks Changxing Building store also made the same promise, but when the reporter went undercover, he found that the store would secretly put the pastries left over from the previous day on the counter almost every day.

Starbucks responded: Under investigation, the two stores involved have been closed

After the above news came out, it triggered a heated discussion among netizens, and the topic of "Starbucks privately changing ingredient labels using expired ingredients" rushed to Weibo hot search.

Many netizens commented that "a starbucks cup of more than 30 still uses expired raw materials" "Speechless, milk tea shop to engage in this is even if it is, you Starbucks dead expensive still use expired? "Thirty or more cups are still fake?"

Starbucks is caught in a food safety storm: more than 5,000 stores in China earn $3.7 billion a year

Screenshot of Weibo

On the morning of the 13th, the relevant staff of Starbucks Wuxi Changxing Building Store responded to Zhongxin Jingwei that there is certainly no situation of expired ingredients in the store to continue to sell, and the relevant local departments are currently investigating in the store, and the store and the company will publish the results of the investigation.

Subsequently, Starbucks China's official Weibo posted a response saying that it had paid attention to reports about two Starbucks stores in Wuxi. Deeply shocked by the food safety issues covered in the report. The company is highly concerned about this incident, and has closed the two stores at the first time and immediately launched an in-depth investigation.

Starbucks China also said that in the 22 years since entering the Chinese market, it has been committed to implementing strict food safety standards and resolutely adopting a zero-tolerance attitude towards food safety issues. The public and the media are welcome to conduct continuous supervision.

Li Min, a senior partner at Shanghai Hansheng Law Firm, told Zhongxin Jingwei that according to the relevant provisions of the Food Safety Law, if food is produced with food raw materials that have exceeded the shelf life, or the above-mentioned foods are traded, or if they produce and trade food that is corrupt and deteriorated and have abnormal sensory characteristics, and it does not constitute a crime, the food safety supervision and management department of the people's government at or above the county level shall confiscate the illegal gains and the food illegally produced and traded, and may confiscate the tools, equipment, raw materials and other items used for illegal production and operation; and the food that is illegally produced and traded 3. Where the value of food additives is less than 10,000 yuan, a fine of between 50,000 and 100,000 yuan shall be imposed; where the value of the goods is more than 10,000 yuan, a fine of not less than 10 times but not more than 20 times the value of the goods shall be imposed; if the circumstances are serious, the license shall be revoked.

China is the second largest market

Starbucks is a world-renowned coffee brand. According to the official website, Starbucks opened its first store in the Chinese mainland china world trade center in Beijing in January 1999. At present, Starbucks has opened 5,400 stores in more than 200 cities in Chinese mainland, with nearly 60,000 Starbucks partners. China has become Starbucks' fastest growing and largest overseas market.

Starbucks is caught in a food safety storm: more than 5,000 stores in China earn $3.7 billion a year

Starbucks Data Chart In the new longitude and latitude photo

According to iFinD, Starbucks annual report shows that in fiscal 2021, Starbucks' consolidated revenue was $29.1 billion, an increase of 24% year-on-year, of which the Chinese market revenue was $3.7 billion, an increase of 42% year-on-year, and same-store sales increased by 17%. As of October 3, 2021, Starbucks had a total of 5,358 stores in the Chinese market.

"Currently, China is our fastest growing market, our second largest market, and is 100% owned by the company." Starbucks said in its annual report.

Zhongxin Jingwei noted that previously, some Starbucks stores had been punished for food safety problems. According to the Tianyancha App, starbucks coffee (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Yantian Yihaicheng no. 2 branch was warned for food violations; Hubei Starbucks Coffee Co., Ltd. Changde Wanda branch was fined for operating expired food. In addition, Chengdu Starbucks Coffee Co., Ltd. Chongqing Commercial Building Branch and Chongqing City Balcony Branch have been sued for product liability disputes.

It is worth mentioning that Starbucks has given a commitment on its official website: "Based on the highest standards in the industry, develop and strictly implement Starbucks food safety 'gold standards'." (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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