
Starbucks responds!

On December 13, @Starbucks China issued a statement saying, "We have paid attention to reports about two Starbucks stores in Wuxi. We are deeply shocked by the food safety issues covered in the report. Starbucks said it had closed the two stores at the first time and immediately launched an in-depth investigation.

Starbucks responds!

According to previous reports, two Starbucks stores in Wuxi have frequently touched the red line of food safety: ingredients continue to be used after expiration, and a number of best-selling drinks are sold; supervisors and clerks "teach by example" to tamper with shelf life, and some ingredients are "extended" for a week; pastries that promise to "not stay overnight after opening" are secretly on the shelves the next day.

Source: Interface News, @Starbucks China, Beijing News

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