
Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

Hitler is well known as a "war maniac", and in addition to uniting with the rest of the Axis powers to challenge the world security order and wage a war of aggression that would cause great calamity to mankind, another of his sins was the persecution of at least 5.5 million Jews.

Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

In 1923, Hitler, who had emerged in German politics, began to vigorously promote pan-Germanism, anti-Semitism, etc., and labeled Jews as "inferior peoples" by dividing the pros and cons of the race; surprisingly, his "fanatical" ideas could be widely supported by the people. In Da Meow's view, in addition to the defeat in the First World War, which left the Germans all shrouded in pessimism and took the opportunity to transfer their vents, the more important point is that the "anti-Semitic ideas in Europe" have always been deeply rooted, otherwise it is impossible to respond to everything.

Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

From the perspective of historical development, the Jews have always been in a "rootless" state. In the ancient empires of Greece and Rome, the Jews who originated in the ancient Jewish kingdom were often persecuted because they maintained an independent cultural group and disobeyed the religions and customs of the conquerors. It is important to understand that Jesus Christ did not exist at that time, because ancient Rome was born about the 7th century BC.

In other words, the conventional wisdom that Judah's betrayal of Jesus was the main cause of anti-Semitism in Europe was not valid.

Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

Later, with the rise of Christianity, early Christians denigrated Judaism in order to gain more converts. This led to more smear practices, such as accusations of "blood slander" against Jews.

Later, in the Middle Ages, with the rapid development of commercial civilization, the accumulation of capital and the increasing social mobility, the Jews became richer and richer by relying on commerce. Historically, among the Jews who once immigrated to Europe, people engaged in banking, usury and other business practices abounded.

Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

You know, jewish ingenuity and business acumen are well-known internationally. At that time, they engaged in commercial activities, which were considered by society to be unearned, fraudulent and extortional behaviors; from the perspective of human nature, it was mainly because the Jews had accumulated a lot of wealth and were not tolerated (jealousy) by others.

In addition, the leprosy that raged on the European continent in 1321 and the Black Death that broke out in 1348, these two large-scale spreads of diseases made the Jews the source of evil. The spearhead of Europe was almost exclusively the exclusion of the Jews.

Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

In the big meow summary, the two key reasons why the wave of anti-Semitism in Europe has not diminished for thousands of years are:

1. The Jews insisted on preserving their culture independently and not succumbing to the orders of the conquerors;

2. The wealth accumulated by the Jews is the most widely revealed to the selfishness of mankind.

As for the rumors about Judas' killing of Jesus Christ, it was just a means of anti-Semitic smear, and had nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation."

Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

In the 18th and 20th centuries, Jews were in a worse position in the world, and in World War II, Hitler's atrocities left Jews living in "hell." At the beginning of World War II, the Nazi Gestapo and SS began to hunt down and persecute Jews; over time, the methods became more brutal, either loaded into concentration camps or gassed, including the "notorious" Auschwitz concentration camp, where about 1.1 million people were killed.

There were 3 rumors that explained why Hitler hated the Jews to the bone:

1. Hitler's lover was seduced by Jewish men, and since then Hitler has hated Jews.

2. Hitler's mother died of breast cancer, and Jewish doctors were the chief physicians at the time, thus creating hostility?

3. Hitler liked a Jewish girl when he was young, but was rejected by discrimination and resented?

Why did Europe hate Jews thousands of years ago? It has nothing to do with the excuse of an "inferior nation"

According to the analysis of Da Meow, these three rumors are all chasing the wind and shadow, and they cannot withstand scrutiny. Hitler's hatred of the Jews was, in the final analysis, the wealth (and the subjective prejudice of history) held by the Jews, because they needed military expenses to fight wars, and fortunately they targeted the Jews, because Europe as a whole was such an anti-Semitic momentum, "going with the flow".

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