
"Studying and Implementing the Spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session and Promoting the High-quality Development of Gansu" deeply understands the historical experience of the CPC's century-old struggle

author:Daily Gansu

【Study and implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenum to promote the high-quality development of Gansu】

Deeply understand the historical experience of the CPC's century-long struggle

Liu Yanghui Liu Shan

Not forgetting the original intention, keeping in mind the mission, and adhering to the supremacy of the people are the code of the times for the century-old glory of the Communist Party of China.

At the new historical juncture, the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China looked back at the road of struggle in the past century, comprehensively summed up the major achievements made by the Communist Party of China in the past hundred years, demonstrated the extraordinary revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Communists, showed the image of China's resolute great power, and embodied the strong vitality of Marxism and the remarkable superiority of China's system and governance system. To embark on a new journey, we must closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, learn from history, create the future, and promote the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics to forge ahead.

Not forgetting history, constantly summing up experience, and persisting in theoretical innovation are the glorious traditions and fine qualities of Chinese communists. In the long course of history, the Communist Party of China has continuously refined its theory, held high the banner of Marxist theory, persistently integrated the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality, painstakingly explored the correct path of China's revolution and construction, gradually realized the leap of truth from trial to action" in the sinification of Marxism, and formed the quintessence of Marxism sinification theory such as Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of "three represents," the scientific outlook on development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era. Brilliant achievements have been made in guiding China's revolutionary construction. In particular, since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists with Comrade Xi Jinping as the main representative have persistently integrated the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific reality and with China's excellent traditional culture, profoundly summed up and fully applied the historical experience since the founding of the Party, proceeded from new reality, founded Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, and realized a new leap in the sinification of Marxism. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we have achieved the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, successfully pushed forward the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics by a historic step, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has shown an unprecedented bright future.

Not forgetting the original intention, keeping in mind the mission, and adhering to the supremacy of the people are the code of the times for the century-old glory of the Communist Party of China. Since its founding, the Communist Party of China has shouldered the mission and responsibility of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation. The original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists are determined by the nature and guiding ideology of the Party. The Manifesto of the Communist Party states that "the movement of the proletariat is an independent movement of the overwhelming majority of the people for the benefit of the overwhelming majority of the people", and that the Communists "have no interests different from those of the proletariat as a whole". The original intention and mission of Marxism and the Communists under its guidance is to seek the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, to follow the law of social development that "the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable", and to replace the old society in which classes and class antagonisms exist with the association of the free development of everyone, that is, the communist society. Therefore, "seeking the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people" is the fundamental position and revolutionary nature of the Chinese Communists. For the first time, the Party Congress announced the "original intention" of the Communist Party of China in realizing the communist social system in the form of a supreme program. The "original intention" of the party is historic, and the Communist Party of China holds high the banner of communism and leads the Chinese nation to embark on the broad road of national rejuvenation. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Communist Party of China has adhered to the supremacy of the people, always taken the people as the center, continuously guaranteed the people's livelihood, led the people to win the battle against poverty, and historically solved the problem of absolute poverty. At a time when the COVID-19 epidemic is raging, the safety of people's lives and property is the first priority, and the fight against the epidemic has achieved major strategic results. Keeping in mind that jiangshan is the people and the people are the people, the CPC has continuously promoted common prosperity, and used top-level design and strategic planning to promote the realization of the second centenary goal, which vividly embodies the original mission of the CPC to strive for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the pure heart of the Chinese people.

Firm ideals and convictions are the spiritual source of the CPC leading the people to build a socialist modern power and achieve the goal of the second centenary struggle. Common ideals and convictions are an important magic weapon for condensing the will of the nation and stimulating the vitality of struggle, and this ideal and belief is the common ideal of Marxist belief, the lofty ideal of communism, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. At the beginning of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the realization of communism was established as the highest ideal, and the lifelong struggle for communism was the oath of every communist. The Communist Party of China's survival in the encirclement, pursuit, and interception of imperialist and counter-revolutionary forces depends on unswerving adherence to communist ideals and convictions and loyalty to the party. After the founding of New China, the Chinese Communists led the people to rely on themselves and struggle hard, the Chinese nation ushered in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, and the cohesion of unremitting struggle to realize the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics was constantly enhanced.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese Communists with Comrade Xi Jinping as the main representative have clearly adhered to and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics and realized socialist modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. To realize the great dream, we must have a sense of urgency to seize the day, and we must also have a persistent adherence to ideals and beliefs. This is the expression of the ideals and beliefs of Chinese communists in the new era, and it is also a realistic embodiment that conforms to the contemporary people's demands for a better life. Only by further strengthening the foundation of faith, replenishing the calcium of the spirit, and keeping firmly in mind the fundamental question of what the CPC is and what it wants to do, can we unremittingly promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(Author Affilications:College of Marxism, Gansu Agricultural University)

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