
Today, please remember!


Please close your eyes

Remember that history with your heart

84 years ago

The invading Japanese invaded Nanjing

It was carried out for more than forty days against my compatriots

A massacre that exterminates humanity and devastates

The whole city of Nanjing was in turmoil and life was ruined

The roar and wailing of 300,000 Chinese sons and daughters

It reverberates in this land for a long time

Today, please remember!

Killing matches, burial alive, knife slashing, machine gun strafing

The city of Nanjing was full of wailing

More than 300,000 lives were slaughtered

In a burning and plundering

One-third of the city of Nanjing was reduced to rubble

Today, please remember!


It's a chilling number at all times

If it is calculated in seconds

This piece of living life disappears

On average, one compatriot is killed every 12 seconds

Today, please remember!

That year

The blood of the compatriots stained the Qinhuai River red

Everywhere you look, there is a blood color

Today, please remember!

Once bustling Jinling


It became a place more tragic than hell

The Japanese invading China were in Nanjing

Left behind the history of human civilization

The most barbaric, the darkest page

Today, please remember!

Show the past, and let the future generations

84 years have passed

On the walls of the Zhonghua Gate

Bullet holes left over from the war are still clearly visible

The tired white bones of the "mass grave"

It tells the history of grief and humiliation in that year

Today, please remember!

December 13

In the name of the nation, the memorial is made

What is remembered is the pathos of the nation

What is not forgotten is the admonition that the weak must be deceived

Today, please remember!

Anyone to deny

History won't say yes!

The undead of 300,000 victims will not agree!

1.4 billion Chinese people will not agree!

Today, please remember!

China today

No longer the China of 1937

Today, please remember!

China today

He is striding on the journey of a rich country and a strong army

An era of slaughter and abuse


Today, please remember!

Confident and capable

Defeat all incoming enemies

Let all foreign forces that delusionally bully, oppress, and enslave us

In the Chinese 1.4 billion people

In front of the Great Wall of Steel, made of flesh and blood

Touch the head and bleed

Today, please remember!

National Day of Public Worship

Wherever you are

When you hear an alarm, please stop

A minute of silence was observed for the compatriots of the victims

Don't forget the national shame

My generation should be self-reliant

Remember the past, don't forget the past

Cherish peace and create the future

Author: Ma Aqiang, Zhang Chi, Wang Xianhe, Fan Yujie

Video: Ma Aqiang, Yu Chong, Sun Xiaoxu, Bai Junbiao

Source: CCTV News, Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, People's Liberation Army Daily

Supervisor | Rocket Force Political Work Department

Hosted by | Propaganda and cultural center

Issue | Issue 5143

Producer: Mao Xunzheng

Editor-in-charge: Su Changle

Remote editor: Ma A-qiang

Email: [email protected]

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