
Gaulish rooster – France

author:Louis Hoon

Today, Si Xunlai leads everyone to know and understand this once brilliant and decaying continental power - France.

Gaulish rooster – France

Flag of the French Fifth Republic

As early as ancient times, france was inhabited by humans, and in Brittany in western France, archaeologists have found megalithic tombstones and earthen tombs, as well as a variety of production tools. Around 1000 BC, the Celts migrated here from the mountains of Central Europe, and the Romans called them Gauls and the place Gaul. With the Great Migration of the Germanic Peoples, a large number of Germans entered Gaul, of which the Frankish Kingdom was the most powerful.

Gaulish rooster – France


After the unification of Gaul by the Frankish Kingdom, it was divided into East Francia, Middle Francia and West Francia due to the issue of succession. Among them West Francia evolved into what is now France. In the 5th and 10th centuries, barbarian invasions, internal and external wars continued, and at the same time, the expansion of the power of the lords greatly weakened the power of the king, resulting in a situation of national disunity.

Gaulish rooster – France


In the middle of the Middle Ages, with the reforms of Philip IV, a large number of aristocratic fiefdoms were incorporated into the royal domain. It was not until the end of the Hundred Years' War between England and France that the last few noble territories were incorporated into the territory of the Kingdom of France. After the end of the Wars of Religion, the French throne fell into the hands of the Bourbon family, and when the third king of the Bourbon dynasty, Louis XIV, came to power, the French autocratic monarchy entered its peak, and at the same time, France also entered the peak of history, and under the long war with the Habsburg family, the eastern frontier of France extended to Strasbourg.

Gaulish rooster – France

Louis XIV

In 1774, Louis XVI ascended the throne, the Enlightenment, which represented the interests of the bourgeoisie, developed, and the French feudal system fell into a serious crisis. With the flourishing of liberalism, finally, in 1789, the French Revolution broke out. King Louis XVI was sent to the guillotine, and after the revolution, the situation in France was turbulent, with anti-French alliances on the outside and constant coups d'état by royalists on the inside. In November 1799, Napoleon staged the Foggy Moon Coup, established an executive government, and seized the military and political power of France. In 1804, Napoleon became emperor, and for a time, Napoleon swept through Europe. However, in the Battle of Waterloo in March and June 1815, Napoleon was defeated by the Anti-French League. The First French Empire was declared to be destroyed.

Gaulish rooster – France

Napoleon I

In 1914, World War I broke out, and in the war, France shed the blood of a generation. In the First World War, although France was the victorious power and recaptured Alsace and Lorraine, it suffered heavy losses and shed the blood of a generation. After the war, France's economy was sluggish, and on September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. On September 3, France declared war on Germany, but the rise of war-weariness in France caused France to retreat in the frontal battlefield. On June 22, 1940, Marshal Pétain signed a surrender agreement with Germany, creating a miracle in the history of war.

Gaulish rooster – France

Henry Philippe Pétain

After the war, France became one of the five permanents, and through several revival programs, equipment renewal was completed, and industrial production grew rapidly. In 1960, France exploded its first atomic bomb and became a nuclear-armed state, completing its reconstruction plan. In 1957, under the Treaty of Rome, France established the Six Western European Common Markets with the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, which was the predecessor of the European Union. In recent years, the international situation has been unpredictable, where will France go in the future? Let's wait and see.

Gaulish rooster – France

Paris Building

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